▼NAnvil | |
▼NAPI | |
▼NEvents | |
▼CAreaEvents | Built-in events associated with a specific area |
COnEnter | Called when a new NwGameObject has entered the NwArea |
COnExit | Called when an NwGameObject leaves the NwArea |
COnHeartbeat | Called at a regular interval (approx. 6 seconds) |
COnUserDefined | |
▼CAreaOfEffectEvents | Built-in events for effects created with Effect.AreaOfEffect |
COnEnter | Called when an object enters the area of effect |
COnExit | Called when an object exits the area of effect |
COnHeartbeat | Called at a regular interval (approx. 6 seconds) |
COnUserDefined | |
▼CCreatureEvents | Built-in events associated with a specific creature |
COnBlocked | Triggered when the NwCreature is blocked by a NwDoor |
COnCombatRoundEnd | Triggered at the end of the NwCreature combat round |
COnConversation | Called when this creature starts a conversation, or hears a message they are listening for |
COnDamaged | Triggered by NwCreature when taken damage from NwGameObject |
COnDeath | Triggered by NwCreature when killed by NwGameObject |
COnDisturbed | Triggered by NwCreature when its inventory has been disturbed |
COnHeartbeat | Called at a regular interval (approx. 6 seconds) |
COnPerception | Triggered by NwCreature when its perception is triggered by another NwCreature |
COnPhysicalAttacked | Triggered by NwCreature when physically attacked by another NwCreature |
COnRested | Triggered by NwCreature when resting |
COnSpawn | Triggered by NwCreature upon spawning into the game |
COnSpellCastAt | Triggered by NwCreature when a spell is cast upon it |
COnUserDefined | |
CDamageData | |
CDebugEventFactory | |
▼CDialogEvents | |
CActionTaken | |
CAppearsWhen | |
CDMEvent | |
CDMEventFactory | |
CDMGiveEvent | |
CDMGroupTargetEvent | |
CDMSingleTargetEvent | |
CDMTeleportEvent | |
▼CDoorEvents | Built-in events associated with a specific door |
COnAreaTransitionClick | |
COnClose | |
COnConversation | Called when this door starts a conversation, or hears a message they are listening for |
COnDamaged | |
COnDeath | |
COnDisarm | |
COnFailToOpen | |
COnHeartbeat | |
COnLock | |
COnOpen | |
COnPhysicalAttacked | |
COnSpellCastAt | |
COnTrapTriggered | |
COnUnlock | |
COnUserDefined | |
CEffectRunScriptEvent | |
▼CEncounterEvents | Built-in events associated with a specific encounter |
COnEnter | |
COnExhausted | |
COnExit | |
COnHeartbeat | |
COnUserDefined | |
CGameEventFactory | |
CHookEventFactory | |
CIEvent | |
CIEventFactory | |
CIEventSkippable | |
▼CModuleEvents | Global module events |
COnAcquireItem | Triggered whenever an NwItem is added to NwGameObject inventory |
COnActivateItem | Triggered when an item that has the item property spell "Unique Power" (targeted) or "Unique Power - Self Only" (self) casts its spell |
COnClientEnter | Triggered when a NwPlayer selects a character and logged into the module |
COnClientLeave | Triggered when a NwCreature leaves the server |
COnCutsceneAbort | Triggered when a NwPlayer tries to cancel a cutscene (ESC) |
COnHeartbeat | Triggered every server heartbeat (~6 seconds) |
COnModuleLoad | Triggered when the module is initially loaded. This event must be hooked in your service constructor, otherwise it will be missed |
COnModuleStart | |
COnNuiEvent | Called when a player triggers an event in the NUI system |
COnPlayerChat | Triggered when any NwPlayer sends a chat message. Private channel not hooked |
COnPlayerDeath | Triggered when a NwPlayer dies |
COnPlayerDying | Triggered when a NwPlayer enters a dying state (< 0 HP) |
COnPlayerEquipItem | Triggered when a NwCreature equips an NwItem |
COnPlayerGuiEvent | Triggered when a player clicks on a particular GUI interface |
COnPlayerLevelUp | Triggered when a NwPlayer levels up |
COnPlayerRespawn | Triggered when a NwPlayer clicks the respawn button on the death screen |
COnPlayerRest | Triggered when NwPlayer presses the rest button and begins to rest, cancelled rest, or finished rest |
COnPlayerTarget | Triggered when a NwPlayer that has targeted something |
COnPlayerTileAction | Triggered when a player performs an action on an area tile |
COnPlayerUnequipItem | Triggered just before a NwCreature un-equips an NwItem |
COnUnacquireItem | Triggered when a NwItem is removed from a NwCreature's inventory |
COnUserDefined | |
▼COnAssociateAdd | |
CFactory | |
▼COnAssociateRemove | |
CFactory | |
▼COnBarterEnd | |
CFactory | |
▼COnBarterStart | |
CFactory | |
▼COnCalendarTimeChange | |
CFactory | |
COnChatMessageSend | Called when a chat message is about to be sent by an object |
▼COnCheckEffectImmunity | Called when an effect is checking for creature immunities. Use this event to force an effect to bypass creature immunities |
CFactory | |
▼COnClientConnect | Triggered when a player attempts to connect to the server (before character select). This event can be cancelled to prevent a player from connecting to the server |
CFactory | |
▼COnClientDisconnect | Called when the player disconnects from the server. This event is also called if the player connects, and then disconnects on the character select screen |
CFactory | |
▼COnClientLevelUpBegin | |
CFactory | |
▼COnCombatDRBroken | |
CFactory | |
▼COnCombatModeToggle | |
CFactory | |
▼COnCombatRoundStart | |
CFactory | |
▼COnCombatStatusChange | |
CFactory | |
▼COnCreatureAttack | |
CFactory | |
▼COnCreatureCheckProficiencies | Called when an item is tested against a creature's proficiencies to determine if the creature may attempt to equip the item |
CFactory | |
▼COnCreatureDamage | |
CFactory | |
COnDebugPlayVisualEffect | Called when a client attempts to spawn a visual effect |
COnDebugRunScript | Called when a script has been requested to execute from the nwscript debug window |
COnDebugRunScriptChunk | Called when a client has requested a script chunk to be executed |
▼COnDetectModeUpdate | |
CFactory | |
▼COnDisarmWeapon | |
CFactory | |
▼COnDispelMagicApply | Called when a API.Effect.DispelMagicAll or API.Effect.DispelMagicBest effect is applied to an object |
CFactory | |
COnDMChangeDifficulty | |
COnDMDumpLocals | |
COnDMGiveAlignment | |
COnDMGiveItem | |
COnDMJumpTargetToPoint | |
COnDMPlayerDMLogin | |
COnDMSpawnObject | |
COnDMSpawnTrapOnObject | |
COnDMViewInventory | |
▼COnDoListenDetection | |
CFactory | |
▼COnDoorSetOpenState | Called when a door's open state is changed (open/closed/destroyed) |
CFactory | |
▼COnDoSpotDetection | |
CFactory | |
▼COnEffectApply | Called when an effect is about to be applied to a creature |
CFactory | |
▼COnEffectRemove | Called when an effect is about to be removed from a creature |
CFactory | |
▼COnExamineObject | |
CFactory | |
▼COnExamineTrap | |
CFactory | |
▼COnFamiliarPossess | |
CFactory | |
▼COnFamiliarUnpossess | |
CFactory | |
▼COnHeal | |
CFactory | |
▼COnHealKitUse | Called when a heal kit is used by a creature |
CFactory | |
▼COnInventoryGoldAdd | |
CFactory | |
▼COnInventoryGoldRemove | |
CFactory | |
▼COnInventoryItemAdd | |
CFactory | |
▼COnInventoryItemRemove | |
CFactory | |
▼COnItemEquip | |
CFactory | |
▼COnItemInventoryClose | |
CFactory | |
▼COnItemInventoryOpen | |
CFactory | |
▼COnItemPayToIdentify | |
CFactory | |
▼COnItemScrollLearn | Called when a creature is about to learn a spell from a scroll |
CFactory | |
▼COnItemUnequip | Called when a creature attempts to unequip an item |
CFactory | |
▼COnItemUse | |
CFactory | |
▼COnItemValidateEquip | |
CFactory | |
▼COnItemValidateUse | |
CFactory | |
▼COnLevelDown | |
CFactory | |
▼COnLevelUp | |
CFactory | |
▼COnLevelUpAutomatic | |
CFactory | |
▼COnLoadCharacterFinish | Called immediately after a player character is loaded by the server |
CFactory | |
▼COnMapPinAddPin | Called when a player is about to place a map pin |
CFactory | |
▼COnMapPinChangePin | Called when a player is about to change an existing map pin |
CFactory | |
▼COnMapPinDestroyPin | Called when a player is about to delete an existing map pin |
CFactory | |
▼COnObjectUse | Called when a creature is about to use an object |
CFactory | |
▼COnPartyEvent | |
CFactory | |
▼COnPlayerQuickChat | Called when a player uses a quick chat command |
CFactory | |
▼COnPolymorphApply | Called when a creature is about to be affected by a polymorph effect |
CFactory | |
▼COnPolymorphRemove | Called when a creature is about to lose a polymorph effect |
CFactory | |
▼COnServerCharacterSave | Called when the server is about to save a character to the server vault. This is called once for every character when the server is exiting, when a player leaves the server, or when ExportSingleCharacter() & ExportAllCharacters() is called. This event can be skipped to prevent the character from being saved |
CFactory | |
▼COnServerSendArea | |
CFactory | |
▼COnSpellAction | |
CFactory | |
▼COnSpellBroadcast | |
CFactory | |
▼COnSpellCast | |
CFactory | |
▼COnSpellInterrupt | |
CFactory | |
▼COnSpellSlotClear | |
CFactory | |
▼COnSpellSlotMemorize | |
CFactory | |
▼COnStealthModeUpdate | |
CFactory | |
▼COnStoreRequestBuy | |
CFactory | |
▼COnStoreRequestSell | |
CFactory | |
▼COnTriggerEnter | Called when an object enters a trigger |
CFactory | |
▼COnUseFeat | |
CFactory | |
▼COnUseSkill | Called when a creature attempts to use a skill |
CFactory | |
▼CPlaceableEvents | Built-in events associated with a specific placeable |
COnClose | Called when NwCreature has closed a NwPlaceable |
COnConversation | Called when this placeable starts a conversation, or hears a message they are listening for |
COnDamaged | Called when NwGameObject has damaged NwPlaceable |
COnDeath | Called when NwCreature has destroyed NwPlaceable |
COnDisarm | Called when NwPlaceable has been disarmed |
COnDisturbed | Called when NwPlaceable inventory has been disturbed |
COnHeartbeat | Called every 6 seconds on NwPlaceable |
COnLeftClick | Called when NwPlaceable has been mousepad (left) clicked |
COnLock | Called when NwPlaceable has been locked |
COnOpen | Called when NwPlaceable has been opened |
COnPhysicalAttacked | Called when NwPlaceable has been physically attacked |
COnSpellCastAt | Called when Spell has been casted on NwPlaceable |
COnTrapTriggered | Called when NwPlaceable has a trap triggered |
COnUnlock | Called when NwPlaceable has been unlocked |
COnUsed | Called when NwPlaceable is being used |
COnUserDefined | |
▼CSpellEvents | |
COnSpellCast | |
▼CStoreEvents | Built-in events associated with a specific store |
COnClose | |
COnOpen | |
CTimeOfDayState | |
▼CTriggerEvents | Built-in events associated with a specific trigger |
COnClicked | |
COnDisarmed | |
COnEnter | |
COnExit | |
COnHeartbeat | |
COnTrapTriggered | |
COnUserDefined | |
CAppearanceTableEntry | A creature appearance table entry (appearance.2da) |
CArmorTableEntry | |
CBodyBagTableEntry | |
CCampaignVariable | |
CCampaignVariableBool | |
CCampaignVariableEnum | |
CCampaignVariableFloat | |
CCampaignVariableGuid | |
CCampaignVariableInt | |
CCampaignVariableLocation | |
CCampaignVariableObject | |
CCampaignVariableString | |
CCampaignVariableVector | |
CCassowary | Represents a Cassowary engine structure. A Cassowary is a type of solver. NWN uses them internally to resize the newer GUI window |
CCassowaryStrength | |
CClassAbilityGainList | |
CClassPreReqTableEntry | |
CCollectionExtensions | Various class extensions for generic collections |
CColor | A 8 bit Color structure |
CColorConstants | |
CCreatureClassInfo | |
CCreatureLevelInfo | |
CCreatureModelNumber | |
CCreatureSpellAbility | Represents a spell-like ability on a creature |
CCreatureTypeFilter | |
CCRulesKeyHash | |
CDamageLevelEntry | |
CDebugOptions | |
CDirection | |
CEffect | Represents an effect engine structure |
CEffectBase | |
CEffectIconTableEntry | An effect icon table entry (effecticons.2da) |
CEffectParams | Represents an array of Effect parameters |
CEngineStructure | A pointer-type VM structure |
CEnvironmentPreset | An environment preset defined in environment.2da |
CExpTableEntry | |
CExpTableExtensions | |
CFadeSpeed | |
CGffResource | |
CGffResourceFieldList | A GffResourceField containing a list of GffResourceFieldStruct values |
CGffResourceFieldStruct | A GffResourceField containing a structure of key/value pairs |
CGffResourceFieldValue | A regular GffResourceField containing a primitive value |
CGuidExtensions | GUID/UUID extension methods for resolving game objects, and GUID serialisation |
CHitEffect | Represents an "On Hit" item property effect, for use with ItemProperty.OnHitEffect |
CIAwaitable | Explicit interface to support the compiling of async/await |
CIAwaiter | Explicit interface for an awaiter. An awaiter is a system that will run an async operation and schedule a continuation when it completes |
CIntegerExtensions | |
CInventory | |
CItemAppearance | |
CItemProperty | Represents an item property effect engine structure |
CItemPropertyCostTableEntry | |
CItemPropertyCostTablesEntry | |
CItemPropertyItemMapTableEntry | |
CItemPropertyParamTableEntry | |
CItemPropertyParamTablesEntry | |
CItemPropertySubTypeTableEntry | |
CItemPropertyTableEntry | |
CITwoDimArrayEntry | Implement to decode TwoDimArrayEntry into a type using NwGameTables.GetTable<T>(string, bool, bool) |
CJoiningRestrictions | |
CJournalEntry | |
CJson | Represents a json engine structure |
CJsonUtility | Utility methods for serializing/deserializing JSON data |
CLightColorTableEntry | |
CLoadScreenTableEntry | |
CLocalVariable | |
CLocalVariableBool | |
CLocalVariableCassowary | |
CLocalVariableEnum | |
CLocalVariableFloat | |
CLocalVariableGuid | |
CLocalVariableInt | |
CLocalVariableLocation | |
CLocalVariableObject | |
CLocalVariableString | |
CLocalVariableStruct | A local variable generic structure |
CLocation | A location in the module, represented by area, position and orientation |
CMemorizedSpellSlot | |
CMonsterHitEffect | Represents a monster "On Hit" item property effect, for use with ItemProperty.OnMonsterHitProperties |
CNativeUtils | |
CNuiChart | A line/column chart element |
CNuiColumn | A layout element that will auto-space all elements inside of it and advise the parent about its desired size |
CNuiCombo | A dropdown menu/combobox |
CNuiDrawListArc | |
CNuiDrawListCircle | |
CNuiDrawListCurve | |
CNuiDrawListItem | |
CNuiDrawListLine | |
CNuiDrawListPolyLine | |
CNuiDrawListText | |
CNuiElement | A dynamic NUI element with style support |
CNuiGroup | A group, usually with a border and some padding, holding a single element. Can scroll. Will not advise parent of size, so you need to let it fill a span (col/row) as if it was a element |
CNuiLayout | |
CNuiOptions | A list of options (radio buttons). Only one can be selected at a time |
CNuiProperty | A NUI property that can be configured as a static readonly value, or a property that can be updated at runtime |
CNuiRow | A layout element that will auto-space all elements inside of it and advise the parent about its desired size |
CNuiSpacer | A special widget that just takes up layout space. Configure the space used with the Width and Height properties |
CNuiStyle | |
CNuiValue | A readonly NUI property value that cannot be changed at runtime |
CNuiValueConverter | |
CNuiValueStrRef | |
CNuiValueStrRefConverter | |
CNuiWindowToken | Represents a NUI window instance for a certain player |
CNwArea | An environment/game level |
CNwAreaOfEffect | The area/region of an ongoing spell effect or ability |
CNwBaseItem | A base item type definition |
CNwClass | A creature/character class definition |
CNwCreature | A monster, NPC, player character or DM avatar |
CNwDateTime | |
CNwDomain | A selectable domain type used by classes with the NwClass.HasDomains property (e.g. clerics) |
CNwDoor | A tile-based door |
CNwEncounter | An encounter trigger that spawns creatures |
CNwFaction | The faction info of a Creature/Player/GameObject |
CNwFeat | A creature/character feat(ure) definition |
CNwGameObject | Base class for all entities in areas |
CNwGameTables | |
CNwItem | An item object that can be carried by creatures, stored in placeable containers, or dropped in an anrea |
CNwMath | Common math functions and constants |
CNwModule | The root container object for all areas and module entities |
CNwObject | |
CNwPlaceable | A static world object that is optionally interactable or destroyable |
CNwPlayer | A player client connected to the server |
CNwRace | The race type of a creature. Contains additional ruleset information about the race |
CNwRandom | Functions for generating random values (numbers, names) |
CNwRuleset | Ruleset definitions for the module. Classes/Feats/Races/Skills/BaseItems/Spells |
CNwServer | |
CNwSkill | A creature/character skill definition |
CNwSpell | A spell definition |
CNwStationary | A stationary game object entity |
CNwStore | A store object for bartering, and items to purchase |
CNwTask | Asynchronous tasks and helpers for running NWN APIs in an async context |
CNwTimeSpan | Helpers to convert game time units to a TimeSpan |
CNwTrappable | A trappable game object/entity |
CNwTrigger | A trigger volume entity |
CNwWaypoint | A waypoint entity that uniquely identifies a location in the module |
CObjectExtensions | |
CObjectStorageVariable | |
CObjectStorageVariableBool | |
CObjectStorageVariableEnum | |
CObjectStorageVariableFloat | |
CObjectStorageVariableGuid | |
CObjectStorageVariableInt | |
CObjectStorageVariableString | |
CObjectStorageVariableStruct | |
CObjectVariable | A key/value pair/variable stored on an Object |
CPartsTableEntry | |
CPersistentVariableBool | |
CPersistentVariableEnum | |
CPersistentVariableFloat | |
CPersistentVariableGuid | |
CPersistentVariableInt | |
CPersistentVariableString | |
CPersistentVariableStruct | |
CPersistentVfxTableEntry | |
CPersistentWorldOptions | |
CPlaceableSoundTableEntry | |
CPlaceableTableEntry | |
CPlaceableTypeTableEntry | A placeable type table entry (placeabletypes.2da) |
CPlayerDeviceProperty | |
CPlayerIdConstants | |
CPlayerQuickBarButton | |
CPlayOptions | |
CPolymorphTableEntry | A creature polymorph table entry (polymorph.2da) |
CPortraitTableEntry | A portrait table entry (portraits.2da) |
CProgrammedEffectTableEntry | |
CRadiusSize | |
CRandomExtensions | Extensions to the Random class for reimplementing native random functions (Dice and Ranges) |
CReflectionExtensions | |
CRulesetKeys | |
CScriptConstants | |
CScriptParams | |
CServerInfo | |
CSkillItemCostTableEntry | |
CSQLQuery | A SQL Query |
CSQLResult | Represents a row returned in an SQL result. See SQLQuery.Result/SQLQuery.Results |
CStringExtensions | |
CSurfaceMaterialTableEntry | |
CTalent | Represents a talent structure. A talent is a feat, skill or spell possessed by a creature |
CTalentExtensions | |
CTileData | Represents a tile configuration at a location |
CTileInfo | Area tile information |
CTilesetResRef | |
CTime | Interface for querying time information for the current frame or since startup |
CTwoDimArray | A two dimensional array data resource |
CTwoDimArrayEntry | 2da row data |
CVirtualMachine | Standard and Low Level methods and properties for querying/interacting with the NwScript virtual machine |
CVisualEffectTableEntry | |
CVisualTransform | |
CVisualTransformLerpSettings | |
▼NInternal | |
CEnvironmentConfig | Anvil settings that are configured through Environment Variables |
▼NNative | |
CNativeObjectExtensions | |
▼NPlugins | |
CPlugin | Represents an anvil plugin. Plugins are loaded during startup, or on-demand if configured with an isolated context |
CPluginInfoAttribute | Additional Plugin Metadata |
CPluginManager | Loads all available plugins and their types for service initialisation |
▼NServices | |
CChatService | |
CDevastatingCriticalData | |
CDialogService | |
CEncodingService | Manages string conversion for NWN.Core, NWN.Native and the StringHelper utility class |
CEnforceLegalCharacterService | |
CEventService | |
CFunctionHook | |
CHomeStorage | Full directory paths for the anvil home directory |
CHookOrder | |
CHookService | An advanced service for hooking native NWN functions |
CIInitializable | Interface that is invoked after all services have been initialised |
CILateDisposable | Interface that is invoked after the server has been shutdown. Not called during hot reloads |
CInjectAttribute | Indicates a property as a service dependency to be injected |
CInjectionService | |
CIScriptDispatcher | Implement in a service to add a custom handler for event scripts |
CIServiceManager | The interface that manages all core, anvil and plugin services |
CITwoDimArray | Implement this interface to use the class as a deserialization target for TwoDimArrayFactory.Get2DA<T> |
CIUpdateable | Implement this interface in your service to get a callback each server loop |
CMaxRangedAttackDistanceOverride | |
CNativeFunctionAttribute | |
CObjectStorage | |
CObjectStorageService | |
CObjectStorageValue | |
COnELCCustomCheck | |
COnELCFeatValidationFailure | |
COnELCItemValidationFailure | |
COnELCLevelValidationFailure | |
COnELCSkillValidationFailure | |
COnELCSpellValidationFailure | |
COnELCValidationBefore | |
COnELCValidationFailure | |
COnELCValidationSuccess | |
CPlayerNameOverrideService | |
CResourceManager | |
CScheduledTask | |
CSchedulerService | A service for scheduling tasks to run with a timed delay and/or repeat with a regular interval |
CScriptCallbackHandle | A handle for a native NSS script callback |
CScriptHandleFactory | A service for registering C# functions as script handlers dynamically |
CServiceBindingAttribute | The main attribute used to define new services and run them. Each class flagged with a ServiceBindingAttribute will be automatically constructed on startup, and any services specified in the constructor will be injected as dependencies |
CServiceBindingOptionsAttribute | Additional service binding options |
CTargetingData | Configuration options for the target helper. See TargetModeSettings.TargetingData, NwPlayer.SetSpellTargetingData |
CTargetModeSettings | Configuration options for target mode. See NwPlayer.EnterTargetMode, NwPlayer.TryEnterTargetMode |
CWeaponService | |
CAnvilCore | Handles bootstrap and interop between NWN, NWN.Core and the Anvil API. The entry point of the implementing module should point to this class. Until Bootstrap is called, all APIs are unavailable for usage |
CIArray | Represents a collection of elements that can be accessed and modified by index, but may not be resized |