No Matches
Anvil.API.NwStationary Class Referenceabstract

A stationary game object entity. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for Anvil.API.NwStationary:
+ Collaboration diagram for Anvil.API.NwStationary:

Public Member Functions

void CreateTrap (TrapBaseType trap, string disarm="", string triggered="")
 Creates the specified trap.
override void FaceToPoint (Vector3 point)
 Rotates this object to face a position.
void SetSavingThrow (SavingThrow savingThrow, int amount)
 Sets the saving throw value for this stationary object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Anvil.API.NwTrappable
void DisableTrap ()
 Disables this trap as if a creature disarmed it (calling the OnDisarm event respectively).
async Task< NwCreature?> GetLastDisarmedBy ()
 Gets the creature who last disarmed the trap on this object.
bool IsTrapDetectedBy (NwCreature creature)
 Gets if the specified creature can see this trap.
void SetTrapDetectedBy (bool detected, params NwCreature[] creatures)
 Sets the detected state for this trap for the given creatures.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Anvil.API.NwGameObject
async Task ActionCastSpellAt (NwSpell spell, Location target, MetaMagic metaMagic=MetaMagic.Any, bool cheat=false, ProjectilePathType projectilePathType=ProjectilePathType.Default, bool instant=false, NwClass? spellClass=null, bool spontaneousCast=false, int domainLevel=0)
 Casts a spell at an location.
async Task ActionCastSpellAt (NwSpell spell, NwGameObject target, MetaMagic metaMagic=MetaMagic.Any, bool cheat=false, int domainLevel=0, ProjectilePathType projectilePathType=ProjectilePathType.Default, bool instant=false, NwClass? spellClass=null, bool spontaneousCast=false)
 Casts a spell at an object.
async Task ActionJumpToLocation (Location location)
 Jumps this object to the specified location.
Unlike the Location setter, this method will compute a safe location when teleporting, and may not equal the location specified.
async Task ActionWait (TimeSpan duration)
 Instructs this object to do nothing for the specified duration, before continuing with the next item in the action queue.
void ApplyEffect (EffectDuration durationType, Effect effect, TimeSpan duration=default)
 Applies the specified effect to this game object.
void ClearObjectAnimationOverride (string anim)
 Clears the specified animation override, restoring the original.
NwGameObject Clone (Location location, string? newTag=null, bool copyLocalState=true)
 Creates a copy of this game object.
virtual void Destroy ()
 Destroys this object (irrevocably).
float Distance (NwGameObject target)
 Returns the distance to the target.
If you only need to compare the distance, you can compare the squared distance using DistanceSquared to avoid a costly sqrt operation.
float DistanceSquared (NwGameObject target)
 Returns the squared distance to the target.
async Task EndConversation ()
 Immediately ends this GameObject's current conversation.
void FaceToObject (NwGameObject target)
 Rotates this object to face towards target.
int GetColor (ColorChannel colorChannel)
 Gets the color for the specified color channel.
IEnumerable< NwCreatureGetNearestCreatures ()
 Returns the creatures closest to this object.
IEnumerable< NwCreatureGetNearestCreatures (CreatureTypeFilter filter1)
 Returns the creatures closest to this object, matching the specified criteria.
IEnumerable< NwCreatureGetNearestCreatures (CreatureTypeFilter filter1, CreatureTypeFilter filter2)
 Returns the creatures closest to this object, matching all of the specified criteria.
IEnumerable< NwCreatureGetNearestCreatures (CreatureTypeFilter filter1, CreatureTypeFilter filter2, CreatureTypeFilter filter3)
 Returns the creatures closest to this object, matching all of the specified criteria.
IEnumerable< T > GetNearestObjectsByType< T > ()
 Gets the nearest object that is of the specified type.
VisualTransform GetVisualTransform (ObjectVisualTransformDataScope scope)
 Gets the visual transform of this object for the specified scope.
bool HasLineOfSight (NwGameObject target)
 Gets whether this object has a direct line of sight to the specified object (not blocked by any geometry).

override? Guid PeekUUID ()
async Task PlayAnimation (Animation animation, float animSpeed, bool queueAsAction=false, TimeSpan duration=default)
 Plays the specified animation.
async Task PlaySound (string soundName)
 Plays the specified sound as mono audio from the location of this object.
async Task PlaySoundByStrRef (StrRef strRef, bool runAsAction=true)
 Plays a sound associated with a string reference (strRef).
The sound comes out as a mono sound sourcing from the location of the object running the command.
If runAsAction is False, then the sound is played instantly.
void RemoveEffect (Effect effect)
 Removes the specified effect from this game object.
void ReplaceObjectAnimation (string anim, string newAnim)
 Replaces the specified animation with an override.
Use ClearObjectAnimationOverride to clear the override.
void ReplaceObjectTexture (string texture, string newTexture)
 Replaces the specified texture with a new texture on this object only.
void ResetMaterialShaderUniforms ()
 Resets all material shader parameter overrides on this object.
void ResetMaterialShaderUniforms (string material)
 Resets all material shader parameter overrides for the specified material on this object.

materialThe material on the object to be reset.

void ResetMaterialShaderUniforms (string material, string param)
 Resets the specified material shader parameter override for the specified material.

materialThe material on the object to be reset.
paramThe parameter override to reset.

SavingThrowResult RollSavingThrow (SavingThrow savingThrow, int dc, SavingThrowType saveType, NwGameObject? saveVs=null)
 Performs a saving throw against the given dc.
byte?[] Serialize ()
void SetColor (ColorChannel colorChannel, int newColor)
 Sets the color for the specified color channel.
void SetFacing (float facing)
 Rotates this object to face the specified facing angle.
void SetIsDestroyable (bool destroyable, bool raiseable=true, bool selectableWhenDead=false)
void SetListenPattern (string pattern, int patternNumber)
 Sets a listen pattern for this object, assigning a pattern number that is accessible from the related object's OnConversation event.
void SetMaterialShaderUniform (string material, string param, float value)
 Sets a material shader uniform override.
void SetMaterialShaderUniform (string material, string param, int value)
 Sets a material shader uniform override.
void SetMaterialShaderUniform (string material, string param, Vector4 value)
 Sets a material shader uniform override.
void SetTextBubbleOverride (ObjectUiTextBubbleOverride mode, string text)
 Sets a text override for the hover/tab-highlight text of this object.


int Hardness [get, set]
 Gets or sets the hardness of this stationary object. This is the amount of damage deducted from each hit.
bool IsOpen [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this stationary object is currently open.
bool KeyAutoRemoved [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the key for this lock should "break"/be removed from the creature's inventory when used on this lock.
string KeyRequiredFeedback [get, set]
 Gets or sets the feedback message that will be displayed when trying to unlock this stationary object.
override Location Location [get]
bool Lockable [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this stationary object is lockable.
int LockDC [get, set]
 Gets or sets the skill DC required to lock this stationary object.
bool Locked [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this stationary object is locked.
NwGameObjectLockedBy [get]
 Gets the object that last locked this stationary object.
bool LockKeyRequired [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether a specific key with the tag LockKeyTag is required to open this stationary object.
string LockKeyTag [get, set]
 Gets or sets the tag of the key that will open this stationary object.
int UnlockDC [get, set]
 Gets or sets the skill DC required to unlock this stationary object.
NwGameObjectUnlockedBy [get]
 Gets the object that last unlocked this stationary object.
- Properties inherited from Anvil.API.NwTrappable
bool IsTrapFlagged [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this trap has been flagged as visible to all creatures in the game.
bool IsTrapped [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this object is trapped.
bool OneShotTrap [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this trap should not reset after firing (true = don't reset).
bool TrapActive [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this trap is an active trap. An inactive trap will not trigger when a creature steps on it.
TrapBaseType TrapBaseType [get]
 Gets the base type of this trap.
NwPlayerTrapCreator [get]
 Gets the player that created this trap. If the trap was placed in the toolset, this returns null.
bool TrapDetectable [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this trap can be detected.
int TrapDetectDC [get, set]
 Gets or sets the skill DC required to detect this trap.
bool TrapDisarmable [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this trap can be disarmed.
int TrapDisarmDC [get, set]
 Gets or sets the skill DC required to disarm this trap.
string TrapKeyTag [get, set]
 Gets or sets the tag of the key that will disarm this trap.
bool TrapRecoverable [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this trap can be recovered.
- Properties inherited from Anvil.API.NwGameObject
IEnumerable< EffectActiveEffects [get]
 Gets all effects (permanent and temporary) that are active on this game object.
AnimationState AnimationState [get]
 Gets the current animation state of this object.
NwAreaArea [get]
 Gets the area this object is currently in.
int CasterLevel [get]
 Gets the caster level of this object.
Color HighlightColor [get, set]
 Gets or sets the highlight color of this object.
int HP [get, set]
 Gets or sets the current HP for this object.
bool IsDestroyable [get, set]
 Gets or sets if this object is destroyable.
bool IsInConversation [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this object is in a conversation.
bool IsListening [get, set]
 Gets or sets if this object should be listening for chat patterns, via the listen pattern system.
bool IsRaiseable [get, set]
 Gets or sets if this object is raiseable.
bool IsSelectableWhenDead [get, set]
 Gets or sets if this object is selectable when dead.
virtual ? Location Location [get, set]
 Gets or sets the location of this object.
int MaxHP [get, set]
 Gets or sets the maximum HP for this object. Returns 0 if this object has no defined HP.
MouseCursor MouseCursor [get, set]
 Gets or sets the mouse cursor for this object.
bool PlotFlag [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the plot flag is enabled.
PortraitTableEntryPortraitId [get, set]
 Gets or sets the PortraitId of this (game object).
string PortraitResRef [get, set]
 Gets or sets the Portrait ResRef for this object.
virtual Vector3 Position [get, set]
 Gets or sets the local area position of this GameObject.
virtual float Rotation [get, set]
 Gets or sets the world rotation for this object.
NwGameObjectTransitionTarget [get, set]
 Gets or sets the transition target for this object.
ObjectUiDiscovery UiDiscoveryFlags [get, set]
 Gets or sets flags for controlling Ui discovery of this object.
bool Useable [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this object should be useable (clickable).
VisibilityMode VisibilityOverride [get, set]
 Gets or sets the global visiblity override for this object.
float VisibleDistance [get, set]
 Gets or sets the distance that this object will become visible to clients (default 45.0).
This is still subject to other limitations, such as perception ranges for creatures.
VisualTransform VisualTransform [get]
 Gets the base visual transform for this object.
Use GetVisualTransform to get the visual transform for other scopes for this object.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Anvil.API.NwObject
static IEnumerable< T > FindObjectsOfType< T > ()
 Locates all objects of the specified type.
static IEnumerable< NwObjectFindObjectsWithTag (params string[] tags)
 Locates all objects of that have the specified tag.
static IEnumerable< T > FindObjectsWithTag< T > (params string[] tags)
 Locates all objects of the specified type that have the specified tag.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Anvil.API.NwGameObject
void AddToArea (CNWSArea area, float x, float y, float z)
CloneInternal< T > (Location location, string? newTag, bool copyLocalState)
- Events inherited from Anvil.API.NwGameObject
Action< ModuleEvents.OnAcquireItemOnAcquireItem [add, remove]
Action< OnChatMessageSendOnChatMessageSend [add, remove]
Action< OnDisarmWeaponOnDisarmWeapon [add, remove]
Action< OnDispelMagicApplyOnDispelMagicApply [add, remove]
Action< OnEffectApplyOnEffectApply [add, remove]
Action< OnEffectRemoveOnEffectRemove [add, remove]
Action< OnHealOnHeal [add, remove]
Action< OnSpellBroadcastOnSpellBroadcast [add, remove]
Action< OnSpellCastOnSpellCast [add, remove]
Action< OnSpellInterruptOnSpellInterrupt [add, remove]
Action< ModuleEvents.OnUnacquireItemOnUnacquireItem [add, remove]

Detailed Description

A stationary game object entity.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateTrap()

void Anvil.API.NwStationary.CreateTrap ( TrapBaseType trap,
string disarm = "",
string triggered = "" )

Creates the specified trap.

trapThe base type of trap.
disarmThe script that will fire when the trap is disarmed. If no value set, defaults to an empty string and no script will fire.
triggeredThe script that will fire when the trap is triggered. If no value set, defaults to an empty string and the default OnTrapTriggered script for the trap type specified will fire instead (as specified in the traps.2da).

◆ FaceToPoint()

override void Anvil.API.NwStationary.FaceToPoint ( Vector3 point)

Rotates this object to face a position.

pointThe position to face towards.

Reimplemented from Anvil.API.NwGameObject.

◆ SetSavingThrow()

void Anvil.API.NwStationary.SetSavingThrow ( SavingThrow savingThrow,
int amount )

Sets the saving throw value for this stationary object.

savingThrowThe type of saving throw to set.
amountThe new saving throw value (0-250).

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