Represents an effect engine structure. More...
Public Member Functions | |
Effect | Clone () |
Creates a new copy of this effect. More... | |
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void | Dispose () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static Effect | AbilityDecrease (Ability ability, int amount) |
Creates an effect that decreases a certain ability score. More... | |
static Effect | AbilityIncrease (Ability ability, int amount) |
Creates an effect that increases a certain ability score. More... | |
static Effect | ACDecrease (int amount, ACBonus acType=ACBonus.Dodge) |
Creates an effect that decreases the AC of an object. More... | |
static Effect | ACIncrease (int amount, ACBonus acType=ACBonus.Dodge) |
Creates an effect that increases the AC of an object. More... | |
static Effect | Appear () |
Creates a special effect to make an object "fly in". More... | |
static Effect | AreaOfEffect (PersistentVfxTableEntry vfxType, ScriptCallbackHandle? onEnterHandle=null, ScriptCallbackHandle? heartbeatHandle=null, ScriptCallbackHandle? onExitHandle=null) |
Creates an area of effect (AOE) effect. More... | |
static Effect | AttackDecrease (int amount, AttackBonus penaltyType=AttackBonus.Misc) |
Creates an effect that applies a penalty to an attack roll. More... | |
static Effect | AttackIncrease (int amount, AttackBonus bonusType=AttackBonus.Misc) |
Creates an effect that applies a bonus to an attack roll. More... | |
static Effect | Beam (VfxType fxType, NwGameObject emitter, BodyNode origin, bool missTarget=false) |
Creates a visual beam effect. More... | |
static Effect | Blindness () |
Creates an effect that blinds a creature. More... | |
static Effect | BonusFeat (NwFeat feat) |
Creates an effect that grants a bonus feat, similar to ItemProperty.BonusFeat. More... | |
static Effect | Charmed () |
Creates an effect that increases the personal reputation to the target by 50 points. More... | |
static Effect | Concealment (int percentage, MissChanceType missChanceType=MissChanceType.Normal) |
Creates an effect that conceals an object. More... | |
static Effect | Confused () |
Creates a confuse effect. More... | |
static Effect | Curse (int strMod=1, int dexMod=1, int conMod=1, int intMod=1, int wisMod=1, int chaMod=1) |
Creates a curse effect. More... | |
static Effect | CutsceneDominated () |
Creates an effect that is guaranteed to dominate a creature, bypassing immunities and cannot be resisted. More... | |
static Effect | CutsceneGhost () |
Creates an effect that allows creatures to pathfind through other creatures without bumping. More... | |
static Effect | CutsceneImmobilize () |
Creates an effect that will prevent the target from moving, but can otherwise act unpenalized. The cutscene version bypasses immunities and cannot be resisted. More... | |
static Effect | CutsceneParalyze () |
Creates an effect that is guaranteed to paralyze a creature, but can not be resisted. More... | |
static Effect | Damage (int amount, DamageType damageType=DamageType.Magical) |
Creates an effect that immediately applies damage to a target. More... | |
static Effect | DamageDecrease (int penalty, DamageType damageType=DamageType.Magical) |
Creates an effect that applies a penalty to a specified damage type. More... | |
static Effect | DamageImmunityDecrease (DamageType damageType, int pctImmunity) |
Creates an effect that decreases immunity to a certain damage type. If a creature does not have an immunity to the specified type, the creature will instead become more vulnerable to the damage, to a max of 100% (double damage). More... | |
static Effect | DamageImmunityIncrease (DamageType damageType, int pctImmunity) |
Creates an effect that increases immunity to a certain damage type, to a max of 100% (complete immunity). More... | |
static Effect | DamageIncrease (int bonus, DamageType damageType=DamageType.Magical) |
Creates an effect that applies a bonus to a specified damage type. More... | |
static Effect | DamageReduction (int amount, DamagePower damagePower, int totalAbsorb=0, bool rangedOnly=false) |
Creates an effect that resists a constant amount of damage from a physical attack with a certain magical power. More... | |
static Effect | DamageResistance (DamageType damageType, int amount, int totalAbsorb=0, bool rangedOnly=false) |
Creates an effect that resists a constant amount of damage from a specific damage type. More... | |
static Effect | DamageShield (int damageAmount, DamageBonus randomAmount, DamageType damageType) |
Creates an effect that reflects damage to melee attackers from successful hits. More... | |
static Effect | Darkness () |
Creates an effect that shrouds an area in darkness, applying a miss chance to all those standing within. Creatures with an Ultravision effect will bypass this miss chance. More... | |
static Effect | Dazed () |
Creates an effect that dazes a creature, preventing all actions but walking movement. More... | |
static Effect | Deaf () |
Creates an effect that deafens a creature, applying a 20% spell failure chance for spells with (V)erbal components. More... | |
static Effect | Death (bool spectacularDeath=false, bool feedback=true) |
Creates an effect that kills, or destroys an object. More... | |
static Effect | Disappear () |
Creates an effect that causes the object to "fly away", before destroying itself. This effect should not be applied to PCs. More... | |
static Effect | DisappearAppear (Location location, int animationType=1) |
Creates an effect that causes the object to "fly away", before appearing in another location. More... | |
static Effect | Disease (DiseaseType diseaseType) |
Creates an effect that applies a disease to a creature. More... | |
static Effect | DispelMagicAll (int casterLevel) |
Creates an effect that attempts to strip all (Sp)ell effects on a target, up to a specified caster level. (Su)pernatural and (Ex)traordinary effects can never be dispelled. More... | |
static Effect | DispelMagicBest (int casterLevel) |
Creates an effect that will attempt to strip the highest level spell effect on a target, up to a specified caster level. More... | |
static Effect | Dominated () |
Creates a dominate effect. A dominated creature is added to the effect creators party. This means they will become instantly friendly and not attack each other, and they are treated as a normal friend as a henchman would be. More... | |
static Effect | EnemyAttackBonus (int bonus) |
Creates an effect that gives a creature with melee/ranged/touched attacks a bonus to hit. More... | |
static Effect | Entangle () |
Creates an effect that prevents all movement, and applies a -2 to all attacks and a -4 to AC. More... | |
static Effect | Ethereal () |
Creates an effect that causes the creature to become invisible and un-perceivable, and taking on an ethereal appearance. The effect is cancelled when the creature performs a hostile action. More... | |
static Effect | ForceWalk () |
Creates an effect that forces creatures to always walk. More... | |
static Effect | Frightened () |
Creates a frightened effect for use in making creatures shaken or flee. More... | |
static Effect | Haste () |
Creates a haste effect. Haste effects add +4 dodge AC, +1 action/round and 50% movement speed increase. More... | |
static Effect | Heal (int damageToHeal) |
Creates a heal effect that will heal the object it is applied to by the specified damage amount. More... | |
static Effect | HitPointChangeWhenDying (float hpChangePerRound) |
Creates a special effect for healing/damaging dying players. More... | |
static Effect | Icon (EffectIconTableEntry icon) |
Creates an icon effect. Icons appear in the top right and in the character sheet and examine panels. More... | |
static Effect | Immunity (ImmunityType immunityType) |
Creates an immunity effect. This provides immunity to a specific effect type. More... | |
static Effect | Invisibility (InvisibilityType invisibilityType) |
Creates an invisiblity effect. Behaviour is defined from the specified invisibility type. More... | |
static Effect | Knockdown () |
Creates a knockdown effect. This effect knocks creatures off their feet, they will sit until the effect is removed. More... | |
static Effect | LinkEffects (Effect baseEffect, IEnumerable< Effect > effects) |
static Effect | LinkEffects (Effect baseEffect, params Effect[] effects) |
Creates a new linked effect from the specified effects. If you remove/dispel one of the effects from a target which is linked to others, the other linked effects will be removed/dispelled too. More... | |
static Effect | MissChance (int missPct, MissChanceType missChanceType=MissChanceType.Normal) |
Creates a new effect used to hinder the attacks of the creature it is applied to. More... | |
static Effect | ModifyAttacks (int numAttacks) |
Creates an effect that modifies the amount of attacks a creature can perform. More... | |
static Effect | MovementSpeedDecrease (int pctChange) |
Creates an effect that reduces the movement speed of a creature. More... | |
static Effect | MovementSpeedIncrease (int pctChange) |
Creates an effect that increases the movement speed of a creature. More... | |
static Effect | NegativeLevel (int numLevels) |
Creates an effect that will "decrease" the level of the target. More... | |
static implicit | operator Effect? (IntPtr intPtr) |
static Effect | Pacified () |
Creates an effect that pacifies a creature, making them unable to do attacks. More... | |
static Effect | Paralyze () |
Creates a paralyze effect. More... | |
static Effect | Petrify () |
Creates an effect that will petrify a creature. It is similar to Paralyze, but also applies the VfxType.DurPetrify visual effect. More... | |
static Effect | Poison (PoisonType poisonType) |
Creates a poison effect that sets the poisoned status effect, with varying penalties based on the type chosen. More... | |
static Effect | Polymorph (PolymorphTableEntry polymorphType, bool locked=false) |
Creates a polymorph effect that changes the target into a different kind of creature. More... | |
static Effect | Regenerate (int amountPerInterval, TimeSpan interval) |
Creates a regeneration effect that will cause the target to heal the specified amount at each interval. More... | |
static Effect | Resurrection () |
Creates an effect that raises a creature who is dead to 1 hit point. More... | |
static Effect | RunAction (ScriptCallbackHandle? onAppliedHandle=null, ScriptCallbackHandle? onRemovedHandle=null, ScriptCallbackHandle? onIntervalHandle=null, TimeSpan interval=default, string data="") |
Creates a custom scripted effect. More... | |
static Effect | Sanctuary (int difficultyClass) |
Creates a sanctuary effect. Sanctuary effects work similar to invisibility effects, but also cause creatures to be unable to hear the target creature, if they fail the DC. More... | |
static Effect | SavingThrowDecrease (SavingThrow savingThrow, int amount, SavingThrowType savingThrowType=SavingThrowType.All) |
Creates an effect to decrease one saving throw type. More... | |
static Effect | SavingThrowIncrease (SavingThrow savingThrow, int amount, SavingThrowType savingThrowType=SavingThrowType.All) |
Creates an effect to increase one saving throw type. More... | |
static Effect | SeeInvisible () |
Creates an effect that allows a creature to see through magical invisibility. More... | |
static Effect | Silence () |
Creates an effect that silences a creature. Silent creatures may not cast spell with verbal components. More... | |
static Effect | SkillDecrease (NwSkill skill, int amount) |
Creates an effect that decreases a specific skill score. More... | |
static Effect | SkillDecreaseAll (int amount) |
Creates an effect that decreases all skill scores. More... | |
static Effect | SkillIncrease (NwSkill skill, int amount) |
Creates an effect that increases a specific skill score. More... | |
static Effect | SkillIncreaseAll (int amount) |
Creates an effect that increases all skill scores. More... | |
static Effect | Sleep () |
Creates a sleep effect. Sleeping creatures may not act, and are subject to coup de grace (4 or less HD) More... | |
static Effect | Slow () |
Creates a slow effect. Slowed creatures have no benefits from any haste applied to them, or if they have no haste, have 1 attack per round, -2 AC, -2 attack, -2 Reflex Saving Throw, and -50% movement speed. More... | |
static Effect | SpellFailure (int failPct, SpellSchool spellSchool=SpellSchool.General) |
Creates an effect that inhibits spells. More... | |
static Effect | SpellImmunity (Spell spell=API.Spell.AllSpells) |
Creates an effect that provides immunity to a specific spell More... | |
static Effect | SpellLevelAbsorption (int maxSpellLevel, int totalSpellsAbsorbed=0, SpellSchool spellSchool=SpellSchool.General) |
Creates an effect that absorbs a certain amount of spells. More... | |
static Effect | SpellResistanceDecrease (int amount) |
Creates an effect that decreases the spell resistance of a creature. More... | |
static Effect | SpellResistanceIncrease (int amount) |
Creates an effect that increases the spell resistance of a creature. More... | |
static Effect | Stunned () |
Creates a stun effect. This is a mind-effecting effect, and so immunity to mind effects prevents this from working. Stunned creatures are flat-footed (no AC dex bonus), and cannot move. More... | |
static Effect | SummonCreature (string creatureResRef, VfxType vfxType, TimeSpan delay=default, int appearType=0) |
Creates an effect to summon a creature. THIS IS OBJECT CONTEXT SENSITIVE! Use NwObject.WaitForObjectContext to correctly assign the right owner of the master. More... | |
static Effect | Swarm (bool loop, string creatureTemplate1, string creatureTemplate2="", string creatureTemplate3="", string creatureTemplate4="") |
Creates a swarm effect. This is exactly the same as SummonCreature, except, after one dies, another takes its place. More... | |
static Effect | TemporaryHitpoints (int hitPoints) |
Creates an effect that will give temporary hitpoints to a target. More... | |
static Effect | TimeStop () |
Creates a time stop effect. Time stop applies a special module-wide pause which only the object it is applied to (and DM's) can move and cast spells without penalties or hindrance. This is not recommended for multiplayer games as it will cause everyone in the module to pause. You can query the current timestop state with NwServer.IsTimestopPaused. More... | |
static Effect | TimeStopImmunity () |
Creates a time stop immunity effect. Immunity allows objects to continue taking actions during an active time stop effect. More... | |
static Effect | TrueSeeing () |
Creates a true seeing effect. Creatures with true sight can see through stealth, invisibility, sanctuary and darkness. More... | |
static Effect | Turned () |
Creates a turned effect. Turning bypass all fear immunity effects, but should only be used in the turn undead script. More... | |
static Effect | TurnResistanceDecrease (int hitDiceDecrease) |
Creates an effect that decreases a creature's turn resistance, making them more susceptible to turning. More... | |
static Effect | TurnResistanceIncrease (int hitDiceIncrease) |
Creates an effect that increases a creature's turn resistance, making them more resistant to turning. More... | |
static Effect | Ultravision () |
Creates an Ultravision effect. Ultravision lets the target see through Darkness and Invisibility effects with InvisibilityType.Darkness. More... | |
static Effect | VisualEffect (VfxType visualEffectId, bool missEffect=false, float fScale=1.0f, System.Numerics.Vector3 vTranslate=default, System.Numerics.Vector3 vRotate=default) |
Creates an effect that plays a visual effect when applied. More... | |
static Effect | VisualEffect (VisualEffectTableEntry visualEffect, bool missEffect=false, float fScale=1.0f, System.Numerics.Vector3 vTranslate=default, System.Numerics.Vector3 vRotate=default) |
Creates an effect that plays a visual effect when applied. More... | |
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static implicit | operator CGameEffect (EffectBase effect) |
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static implicit | operator IntPtr (EngineStructure engineStructure) |
Properties | |
float | DurationRemaining [get] |
Gets the remaining duration of this effect in seconds. Returns 0 if the duration type is not EffectDuration.Temporary. More... | |
EffectDuration | DurationType [get, set] |
Gets or sets the duration type (Temporary, Instant, Permanent) of this effect. More... | |
EffectType | EffectType [get] |
Gets the type of this effect. More... | |
bool | IgnoreImmunity [get, set] |
Gets or sets if this effect should ignore immunities. More... | |
string | LinkId [get] |
Gets the link id of this effect, if it is a linked effect. There is no guarantees about this identifier other than it is unique and the same for all effects linked to it. More... | |
override int | StructureId [get] |
EffectSubType | SubType [get, set] |
Gets or sets the subtype of this effect. More... | |
string? | Tag [get, set] |
Gets or sets the tag for this effect. More... | |
float | TotalDuration [get] |
Gets the total duration of this effect in seconds. Returns 0 if the duration type is not EffectDuration.Temporary. More... | |
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int | CasterLevel [get, set] |
Gets or sets the caster level for this effect/item property. More... | |
NwObject? | Creator [get, set] |
Gets or sets the creator of this effect/item property. More... | |
bool | Expose [get, set] |
EffectParams< float > | FloatParams [get] |
Gets the float parameters of this effect/item property. More... | |
EffectParams< int > | IntParams [get] |
Gets the integer parameters of this effect/item property. More... | |
EffectParams< NwObject > | ObjectParams [get] |
Gets the object parameters of this effect/item property. More... | |
bool | ShowIcon [get, set] |
Gets or sets if this effect should show an icon in the top right and in the character sheet and examine panels. More... | |
NwSpell | Spell [get, set] |
Gets or sets the associated spell for this effect/item property. More... | |
EffectParams< string > | StringParams [get] |
Gets the string parameters of this effect/item property. More... | |
EffectParams< Vector3 > | VectorParams [get] |
Gets the vector parameters of this effect/item property. More... | |
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bool | IsValid [get] |
Gets if this object is valid. More... | |
abstract int | StructureId [get] |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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unsafe | EffectBase (CGameEffect effect, bool memoryOwn) |
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EngineStructure (IntPtr handle, bool memoryOwn) | |
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readonly CGameEffect | Effect |
Represents an effect engine structure.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that decreases a certain ability score.
ability | The ability to decrease. |
amount | The amount to increase the ability by. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that increases a certain ability score.
ability | The ability to increase. |
amount | The amount to increase the ability by. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that decreases the AC of an object.
amount | The AC penalty. |
acType | The type of AC to decrease (Dodge). |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that increases the AC of an object.
amount | The AC bonus. |
acType | The AC type of the AC bonus. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a special effect to make an object "fly in".
inlinestatic |
Creates an area of effect (AOE) effect.
vfxType | The persistent area visual effect to use for this effect. |
onEnterHandle | The callback to invoke when something enters this area of effect. |
heartbeatHandle | The callback to invoke when something is inside the area of effect during a heartbeat (~6 seconds) |
onExitHandle | The callback to invoke when something leaves this area of effect. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that applies a penalty to an attack roll.
amount | The penalty to apply. |
penaltyType | The weapon slot this penalty should be applied to. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that applies a bonus to an attack roll.
amount | The bonus to apply. |
bonusType | The weapon slot this bonus should be applied to. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a visual beam effect.
fxType | The beam effect to render. |
emitter | The origin object of this beam . |
origin | The origin body part of this beam. |
missTarget | If true, the beam will hit a random position near or past the applied target to indicate a miss. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that blinds a creature.
Creates an effect that grants a bonus feat, similar to ItemProperty.BonusFeat.
feat | The feat to grant. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that increases the personal reputation to the target by 50 points.
inline |
Creates a new copy of this effect.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that conceals an object.
percentage | A positive number representing the percentage chance for other attackers to miss (1-100). |
missChanceType | The type of attack to apply this concealment against. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a confuse effect.
inlinestatic |
Creates a curse effect.
strMod | The penalty to Strength. |
dexMod | The penalty to Dexterity. |
conMod | The penalty to Constitution. |
intMod | The penalty to Intelligence. |
wisMod | The penalty to Wisdom. |
chaMod | The penalty to Charisma. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that is guaranteed to dominate a creature, bypassing immunities and cannot be resisted.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that allows creatures to pathfind through other creatures without bumping.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that will prevent the target from moving, but can otherwise act unpenalized. The cutscene version bypasses immunities and cannot be resisted.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that is guaranteed to paralyze a creature, but can not be resisted.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that immediately applies damage to a target.
amount | The amount of damage to apply. |
damageType | The damage type to apply. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that applies a penalty to a specified damage type.
penalty | The damage penalty to apply. |
damageType | The damage type to apply the penalty to. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that decreases immunity to a certain damage type.
If a creature does not have an immunity to the specified type, the creature will instead become more vulnerable to the damage, to a max of 100% (double damage).
damageType | The type of damage to decrease immunity against. |
pctImmunity | A positive number representing the percentage decrease (1-100). |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that increases immunity to a certain damage type, to a max of 100% (complete immunity).
damageType | The type of damage to increase immunity against. |
pctImmunity | A positive number representing the percentage increase (1-100). |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that applies a bonus to a specified damage type.
bonus | The damage bonus to apply. |
damageType | The damage type to apply the bonus to. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that resists a constant amount of damage from a physical attack with a certain magical power.
amount | The damage to remove from each attack. |
damagePower | The max enchantment/power bonus of the weapon this effect will resist. |
totalAbsorb | The total amount of damage to absorb, before the effect is removed (0 = infinite). |
rangedOnly | Set to true to have this damage reduction effect only apply to ranged attacks. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that resists a constant amount of damage from a specific damage type.
damageType | The type of damage to resist. |
amount | The damage to remove from each attack. |
totalAbsorb | The total amount of damage to absorb, before the effect is removed (0 = infinite). |
rangedOnly | Set to true to have this damage resistance effect only apply to ranged attacks. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that reflects damage to melee attackers from successful hits.
damageAmount | The flat amount of damage to reflect back to the attacker. |
randomAmount | A special damage amount to additionally reflect back to the attacker. |
damageType | The type of the damage reflected to the attacker. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that shrouds an area in darkness, applying a miss chance to all those standing within.
Creatures with an Ultravision effect will bypass this miss chance.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that dazes a creature, preventing all actions but walking movement.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that deafens a creature, applying a 20% spell failure chance for spells with (V)erbal components.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that kills, or destroys an object.
spectacularDeath | If true, the object in which this is applied will die in an extraordinary fashion (gibs). |
feedback | If false, excludes the "XXX: Dead" feedback message. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that causes the object to "fly away", before destroying itself.
This effect should not be applied to PCs.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that causes the object to "fly away", before appearing in another location.
location | The new location to re-appear at. |
animationType | The appear/disappear animation nto use. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that applies a disease to a creature.
diseaseType | The type of disease to apply. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that attempts to strip all (Sp)ell effects on a target, up to a specified caster level.
(Su)pernatural and (Ex)traordinary effects can never be dispelled.
casterLevel | The max (inclusive) caster level of spell to dispel. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that will attempt to strip the highest level spell effect on a target, up to a specified caster level.
casterLevel | The max (inclusive) caster level of spell to dispel. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a dominate effect.
A dominated creature is added to the effect creators party. This means they will become instantly friendly and not attack each other, and they are treated as a normal friend as a henchman would be.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that gives a creature with melee/ranged/touched attacks a bonus to hit.
bonus | The additional attack bonus. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that prevents all movement, and applies a -2 to all attacks and a -4 to AC.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that causes the creature to become invisible and un-perceivable, and taking on an ethereal appearance.
The effect is cancelled when the creature performs a hostile action.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that forces creatures to always walk.
inlinestatic |
Creates a frightened effect for use in making creatures shaken or flee.
inlinestatic |
Creates a haste effect.
Haste effects add +4 dodge AC, +1 action/round and 50% movement speed increase.
inlinestatic |
Creates a heal effect that will heal the object it is applied to by the specified damage amount.
damageToHeal | The amount of damage to heal. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a special effect for healing/damaging dying players.
hpChangePerRound | The HP change each round. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an icon effect. Icons appear in the top right and in the character sheet and examine panels.
icon | The icon to display. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an immunity effect. This provides immunity to a specific effect type.
immunityType | The type of immunity. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an invisiblity effect. Behaviour is defined from the specified invisibility type.
invisibilityType | The type of invisibility to apply. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a knockdown effect. This effect knocks creatures off their feet, they will sit until the effect is removed.
inlinestatic |
Creates a new linked effect from the specified effects.
If you remove/dispel one of the effects from a target which is linked to others, the other linked effects will be removed/dispelled too.
baseEffect | The base effect. |
effects | The effects to link. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a new effect used to hinder the attacks of the creature it is applied to.
missPct | A positive number representing the percentage chance to miss. |
missChanceType | The type of attack that will have the hindered attack. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that modifies the amount of attacks a creature can perform.
numAttacks | The number of attacks to add to the target (max 5). |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that reduces the movement speed of a creature.
pctChange | A positive number representing the percentage speed to decrease (0-99) |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that increases the movement speed of a creature.
pctChange | A positive number representing the percentage speed to increase (0-99) |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that will "decrease" the level of the target.
numLevels | The number of negative levels to apply. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that pacifies a creature, making them unable to do attacks.
inlinestatic |
Creates a paralyze effect.
Paralysis is not a mind effect - it stops all movement (and also in-game pauses the creature in their current action), and so they are prone, have no dexterity or strength (act as if had the lowest, 3) and all sneak attacks work against them.
By default creatures level 4 and below in 10 meters can be "coup de grace" ie instantly killed on a successful hit.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that will petrify a creature. It is similar to Paralyze, but also applies the VfxType.DurPetrify visual effect.
inlinestatic |
Creates a poison effect that sets the poisoned status effect, with varying penalties based on the type chosen.
poisonType | The type of poison to apply. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a polymorph effect that changes the target into a different kind of creature.
polymorphType | The polymorph to apply. |
locked | If true, players cannot dismiss the polymorph effect. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a regeneration effect that will cause the target to heal the specified amount at each interval.
amountPerInterval | The amount to heal. |
interval | The interval at which the healing is applied. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that raises a creature who is dead to 1 hit point.
inlinestatic |
Creates a custom scripted effect.
onAppliedHandle | The callback to invoke when this effect is applied. |
onRemovedHandle | The callback to invoke when this effect is removed (via script, death, resting, or dispelling). |
onIntervalHandle | The callback to invoke per interval. |
interval | The interval in which to call onIntervalHandle. |
data | Optional string of data saved with the effect, retrievable with Effect.StringParams[0]. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a sanctuary effect. Sanctuary effects work similar to invisibility effects, but also cause creatures to be unable to hear the target creature, if they fail the DC.
difficultyClass | The difficulty class for other creatures to beat the effect, allowing them to see and hear the creature. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect to decrease one saving throw type.
savingThrow | The saving throw to decrease. |
amount | The amount to decrease the saving throw. |
savingThrowType | The saving throw sub-type to decrease. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect to increase one saving throw type.
savingThrow | The saving throw to increase. |
amount | The amount to increase the saving throw. |
savingThrowType | The saving throw sub-type to increase. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that allows a creature to see through magical invisibility.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that silences a creature. Silent creatures may not cast spell with verbal components.
Creates an effect that decreases a specific skill score.
skill | The skill to decrease. |
amount | The amount to decrease the skill by. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that decreases all skill scores.
amount | The amount to decrease all skills by. |
Creates an effect that increases a specific skill score.
skill | The skill to increase. |
amount | The amount to increase the skill by. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that increases all skill scores.
amount | The amount to increase all skills by. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a sleep effect. Sleeping creatures may not act, and are subject to coup de grace (4 or less HD)
inlinestatic |
Creates a slow effect. Slowed creatures have no benefits from any haste applied to them, or if they have no haste, have 1 attack per round, -2 AC, -2 attack, -2 Reflex Saving Throw, and -50% movement speed.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that inhibits spells.
failPct | A positive number representing the percent chance of spell failing (1-100) |
spellSchool | The spell school that is affected. |
Creates an effect that provides immunity to a specific spell
spell | The spell to provide immunity for. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that absorbs a certain amount of spells.
maxSpellLevel | The max level spell that can be absorbed. |
totalSpellsAbsorbed | The total number of spells that can be absorbed. |
spellSchool | The spell school to absorb specifically. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that decreases the spell resistance of a creature.
amount | The amount to decrease. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that increases the spell resistance of a creature.
amount | The amount to increase. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a stun effect. This is a mind-effecting effect, and so immunity to mind effects prevents this from working.
Stunned creatures are flat-footed (no AC dex bonus), and cannot move.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect to summon a creature.
THIS IS OBJECT CONTEXT SENSITIVE! Use NwObject.WaitForObjectContext to correctly assign the right owner of the master.
creatureResRef | The template/ResRef of the creature to summon. |
vfxType | A visual effect to display upon summoning. |
delay | A delay between the visual effect, and the creature actually being added to the area. |
appearType | The appear animation to use. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a swarm effect. This is exactly the same as SummonCreature, except, after one dies, another takes its place.
loop | If true, while the effect is active and the last creature dies, it will loop back to the first template. |
creatureTemplate1 | The blueprint of the first creature to spawn. |
creatureTemplate2 | The blueprint of the second creature to spawn. |
creatureTemplate3 | The blueprint of the third creature to spawn. |
creatureTemplate4 | The blueprint of the fourth creature to spawn. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that will give temporary hitpoints to a target.
hitPoints | The amount of temporary hit points to add. |
inlinestatic |
Creates a time stop effect.
Time stop applies a special module-wide pause which only the object it is applied to (and DM's) can move and cast spells without penalties or hindrance.
This is not recommended for multiplayer games as it will cause everyone in the module to pause.
You can query the current timestop state with NwServer.IsTimestopPaused.
inlinestatic |
Creates a time stop immunity effect.
Immunity allows objects to continue taking actions during an active time stop effect.
inlinestatic |
Creates a true seeing effect. Creatures with true sight can see through stealth, invisibility, sanctuary and darkness.
inlinestatic |
Creates a turned effect. Turning bypass all fear immunity effects, but should only be used in the turn undead script.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that decreases a creature's turn resistance, making them more susceptible to turning.
hitDiceDecrease | A positive number representing the number of hit dice to decrease. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that increases a creature's turn resistance, making them more resistant to turning.
hitDiceIncrease | A positive number representing the number of hit dice to increase. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an Ultravision effect. Ultravision lets the target see through Darkness and Invisibility effects with InvisibilityType.Darkness.
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that plays a visual effect when applied.
visualEffectId | The visual effect to apply. |
missEffect | If true, a random vector near or past the target will be generated, as the location for the effect. |
fScale | A scaling factor to apply to the visual effect. |
vTranslate | A translation vector transform to apply to the visual effect. |
vRotate | A rotation vector transform to apply to the visual effect. |
inlinestatic |
Creates an effect that plays a visual effect when applied.
visualEffect | The visual effect to apply. |
missEffect | If true, a random vector near or past the target will be generated, as the location for the effect. |
fScale | A scaling factor to apply to the visual effect. |
vTranslate | A translation vector transform to apply to the visual effect. |
vRotate | A rotation vector transform to apply to the visual effect. |
get |
Gets the remaining duration of this effect in seconds. Returns 0 if the duration type is not EffectDuration.Temporary.
getset |
Gets or sets the duration type (Temporary, Instant, Permanent) of this effect.
get |
Gets the type of this effect.
getset |
Gets or sets if this effect should ignore immunities.
get |
Gets the link id of this effect, if it is a linked effect. There is no guarantees about this identifier other than it is unique and the same for all effects linked to it.
getset |
Gets or sets the subtype of this effect.
getset |
Gets or sets the tag for this effect.
get |
Gets the total duration of this effect in seconds. Returns 0 if the duration type is not EffectDuration.Temporary.