Classes | |
class | ChatService |
class | DevastatingCriticalData |
class | DialogService |
class | EncodingService |
Manages string conversion for NWN.Core, NWN.Native and the StringHelper utility class. More... | |
class | EnforceLegalCharacterService |
class | EventService |
class | FeedbackService |
Allows combat log, feedback and journal update messages to be hidden globally or per player. More... | |
class | FunctionHook |
class | HomeStorage |
Full directory paths for the anvil home directory. More... | |
class | HookOrder |
class | HookService |
An advanced service for hooking native NWN functions. More... | |
interface | IInitializable |
Interface that is invoked after all services have been initialised. More... | |
interface | ILateDisposable |
Interface that is invoked after the server has been shutdown. Not called during hot reloads. More... | |
class | InjectAttribute |
Indicates a property as a service dependency to be injected. More... | |
class | InjectionService |
interface | IScriptDispatcher |
Implement in a service to add a custom handler for event scripts. More... | |
interface | IServiceManager |
The interface that manages all core, anvil and plugin services. Advanced: implement in your own class and specify in AnvilCore.Init(System.IntPtr,int,IServiceManager) to implement your own service manager. More... | |
interface | ITwoDimArray |
Implement this interface to use the class as a deserialization target for TwoDimArrayFactory.Get2DA<T>. More... | |
interface | IUpdateable |
Implement this interface in your service to get a callback each server loop. More... | |
struct | MaxRangedAttackDistanceOverride |
class | NativeFunctionAttribute |
class | ObjectStorage |
class | ObjectStorageService |
struct | ObjectStorageValue |
class | OnELCCustomCheck |
class | OnELCFeatValidationFailure |
class | OnELCItemValidationFailure |
class | OnELCLevelValidationFailure |
class | OnELCSkillValidationFailure |
class | OnELCSpellValidationFailure |
class | OnELCValidationBefore |
class | OnELCValidationFailure |
class | OnELCValidationSuccess |
class | PlayerNameOverride |
class | PlayerNameOverrideService |
class | PluginStorageService |
Manages plugin data stored in the Anvil home directory. Use this service to get a path for reading and writing configs or data for your plugin. More... | |
class | ResourceManager |
class | ScheduledTask |
class | SchedulerService |
A service for scheduling tasks to run with a timed delay and/or repeat with a regular interval. More... | |
class | ScriptCallbackHandle |
A handle for a native NSS script callback. More... | |
class | ScriptHandleFactory |
A service for registering C# functions as script handlers dynamically. More... | |
class | ScriptHandlerAttribute |
Indicates that the method in the service should be used to handle all NWScript calls to the specified ScriptName. More... | |
class | ServiceBindingAttribute |
The main attribute used to define new services and run them. Each class flagged with a ServiceBindingAttribute will be automatically constructed on startup, and any services specified in the constructor will be injected as dependencies. More... | |
class | ServiceBindingOptionsAttribute |
Additional service binding options. More... | |
class | TargetingData |
Configuration options for the target helper. See TargetModeSettings.TargetingData, NwPlayer.SetSpellTargetingData. More... | |
class | TargetModeSettings |
Configuration options for target mode. See NwPlayer.EnterTargetMode, NwPlayer.TryEnterTargetMode. More... | |
class | TwoDimArrayFactory |
Creates a deserialized 2da structure using a ITwoDimArray converter. More... | |
class | WeaponService |
Enumerations | |
enum class | BindingPriority : short { Highest = short.MinValue , VeryHigh = -30000 , High = -20000 , AboveNormal = -10000 , Normal = 0 , BelowNormal = 10000 , Low = 20000 , VeryLow = 30000 , Lowest = short.MaxValue } |
enum class | ChatChannel : byte { PlayerTalk = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerTalk , PlayerShout = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerShout , PlayerWhisper = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerWhisper , PlayerTell = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerTell , ServerMessage = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.ServerMessage , PlayerParty = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerParty , PlayerDm = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerDm , DmTalk = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmTalk , DmShout = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmShout , DmWhisper = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmWhisper , DmTell = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmTell , DmParty = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmParty , DmDm = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmDm } |
enum class | CombatLogMessage { SimpleAdjective = 1 , SimpleDamage = 2 , ComplexDamage = 3 , ComplexDeath = 4 , ComplexAttack = 5 , SpecialAttack = 6 , SavingThrow = 7 , CastSpell = 8 , UseSkill = 9 , SpellResistance = 10 , Feedback = 11 , Counterspell = 12 , Touchattack = 13 , Initiative = 14 , DispelMagic = 15 , Polymorph = 17 , Feedbackstring = 18 , Vibrate = 19 , Unlockachievement = 20 } |
enum class | DialogState { Invalid , Start , SendEntry , SendReplies , HandleReply } |
enum class | EventCallbackType { Before , After } |
enum class | FeedbackMessage { SkillCantUse = 0 , SkillCantUseTimer = 1 , SkillAnimalEmpathyValidTargets = 2 , SkillTauntValidTargets = 3 , SkillTauntTargetImmune = 223 , SkillPickpocketStoleItem = 4 , SkillPickpocketStoleGold = 5 , SkillPickpocketAttemptingToSteal = 46 , SkillPickpocketAttemptDetected = 150 , SkillPickpocketStoleItemTarget = 47 , SkillPickpocketStoleGoldTarget = 48 , SkillPickpocketTargetBroke = 57 , SkillHealTargetNotDiseasedPoisoned = 55 , SkillHealValidTargets = 56 , SkillStealthInCombat = 60 , TargetUnaware = 6 , ActionNotPossibleStatus = 7 , ActionNotPossiblePvp = 187 , ActionCantReachTarget = 218 , ActionNoLoot = 247 , WeightTooEncumberedToRun = 8 , WeightTooEncumberedWalkSlow = 9 , WeightTooEncumberedCantPickup = 10 , StatsLevelUp = 11 , InventoryFull = 12 , ContainerFull = 212 , TrapTriggered = 82 , DamageHealed = 151 , ExperienceGained = 182 , ExperienceLost = 183 , JournalUpdated = 184 , BarterCancelled = 185 , DetectModeActivated = 83 , DetectModeDeactivated = 84 , StealthModeActivated = 85 , StealthModeDeactivated = 86 , ParryModeActivated = 87 , ParryModeDeactivated = 88 , PowerAttackModeActivated = 89 , PowerAttackModeDeactivated = 90 , ImprovedPowerAttackModeActivated = 91 , ImprovedPowerAttackModeDeactivated = 92 , RapidShotModeActivated = 166 , RapidShotModeDeactivated = 167 , FlurryOfBlowsModeActivated = 168 , FlurryOfBlowsModeDeactivated = 169 , ExpertiseModeActivated = 227 , ExpertiseModeDeactivated = 228 , ImprovedExpertiseModeActivated = 229 , ImprovedExpertiseModeDeactivated = 230 , DefensiveCastModeActivated = 231 , DefensiveCastModeDeactivated = 232 , ModeCannotUseWeapons = 188 , DirtyFightingModeActivated = 237 , DirtyFightingModeDeactivated = 238 , DefensiveStanceModeActivated = 252 , DefensiveStanceModeDeactivated = 253 , EquipSkillSpellModifiers = 71 , EquipUnidentified = 76 , EquipMonkAbilities = 77 , EquipInsufficientLevel = 98 , EquipProficiencies = 119 , EquipWeaponTooLarge = 120 , EquipWeaponTooSmall = 260 , EquipOneHandedWeapon = 121 , EquipTwoHandedWeapon = 122 , EquipWeaponSwappedOut = 123 , EquipOneChainWeapon = 124 , EquipNaturalAcNoStack = 189 , EquipArmourAcNoStack = 190 , EquipShieldAcNoStack = 191 , EquipDeflectionAcNoStack = 192 , EquipNoArmorCombat = 193 , EquipRangerAbilities = 200 , EquipAlignment = 207 , EquipClass = 208 , EquipRace = 209 , UnequipNoArmorCombat = 194 , ObjectLocked = 13 , ObjectNotLocked = 14 , ObjectSpecialKey = 15 , ObjectUsedKey = 16 , RestExcitedCantRest = 17 , RestBeginningRest = 18 , RestFinishedRest = 19 , RestCancelRest = 20 , RestNotAllowedInArea = 54 , RestNotAllowedByPossessedFamiliar = 153 , RestNotAllowedEnemies = 186 , RestCantUnderThisEffect = 213 , CastLostTarget = 21 , CastCantCast = 22 , CastCounterspellTargetLostTarget = 52 , CastArcaneSpellFailure = 61 , CastCounterspellTargetArcaneSpellFailure = 118 , CastEntangleConcentrationFailure = 65 , CastCounterspellTargetEntangleConcentrationFailure = 147 , CastSpellInterrupted = 72 , CastEffectSpellFailure = 236 , CastCantCastWhilePolymorphed = 107 , CastUseHands = 210 , CastUseMouth = 211 , CastDefensiveCastConcentrationFailure = 233 , CastDefensiveCastConcentrationSuccess = 240 , UseItemCantUse = 23 , ConversationTooFar = 58 , ConversationBusy = 59 , ConversationInCombat = 152 , CharacterInTransit = 74 , CharacterOutTransit = 75 , UseItemNotEquipped = 244 , DropItemCantDrop = 245 , DropItemCantGive = 246 , ClientServerSpellMismatch = 259 , CombatRunningOutOfAmmo = 24 , CombatOutOfAmmo = 25 , CombatHenchmanOutOfAmmo = 241 , CombatDamageImmunity = 62 , CombatSpellImmunity = 68 , CombatDamageResistance = 63 , CombatDamageResistanceRemaining = 66 , CombatDamageReduction = 64 , CombatDamageReductionRemaining = 67 , CombatSpellLevelAbsorption = 69 , CombatSpellLevelAbsorptionRemaining = 70 , CombatWeaponNotEffective = 117 , CombatEpicDodgeAttackEvaded = 234 , CombatMassiveDamage = 235 , CombatSavedVsMassiveDamage = 254 , CombatSavedVsDevastatingCritical = 257 , FeatSapValidTargets = 26 , FeatKnockdownValidTargets = 27 , FeatImprovedKnockdownValidTargets = 28 , FeatCalledShotNoLegs = 29 , FeatCalledShotNoArms = 30 , FeatSmiteGoodTargetNotGood = 239 , FeatSmiteEvilTargetNotEvil = 53 , FeatQuiveringPalmHigherLevel = 73 , FeatKeenSenseDetect = 195 , FeatUseUnarmed = 198 , FeatUses = 199 , FeatUseWeaponOfChoice = 243 , PartyNewLeader = 31 , PartyMemberKicked = 32 , PartyKickedYou = 33 , PartyAlreadyConsidering = 34 , PartyAlreadyInvolved = 35 , PartySentInvitation = 36 , PartyReceivedInvitation = 37 , PartyJoined = 38 , PartyInvitationIgnored = 39 , PartyYouIgnoredInvitation = 40 , PartyInvitationRejected = 41 , PartyYouRejectedInvitation = 42 , PartyInvitationExpired = 43 , PartyLeftParty = 44 , PartyYouLeft = 45 , PartyHenchmanLimit = 49 , PartyCannotLeaveTheOneParty = 196 , PartyCannotKickFromTheOneParty = 197 , PartyYouInvitedNonSingleton = 202 , PvpReactionDislikesYou = 203 , ItemReceived = 50 , ItemLost = 51 , ItemEjected = 96 , ItemUseUnidentified = 97 , ItemGoldGained = 148 , ItemGoldLost = 149 , LearnScrollNotScroll = 78 , LearnScrollCantLearnClass = 79 , LearnScrollCantLearnLevel = 80 , LearnScrollCantLearnAbility = 81 , LearnScrollCantLearnOpposition = 219 , LearnScrollCantLearnPossess = 220 , LearnScrollCantLearnKnown = 221 , LearnScrollCantLearnDivine = 224 , LearnScrollSuccess = 222 , FloatyTextStrref = 93 , FloatyTextString = 94 , CannotSellPlotItem = 99 , CannotSellContainer = 100 , CannotSellItem = 101 , NotEnoughGold = 102 , TransactionSucceeded = 103 , PriceTooHigh = 248 , StoreNotEnoughGold = 249 , CannotSellStolenItem = 250 , CannotSellRestrictedItem = 251 , PortalTimedOut = 104 , PortalInvalid = 105 , ChatTellPlayerNotFound = 106 , AlignmentShift = 108 , AlignmentPartyShift = 111 , AlignmentChange = 109 , AlignmentRestrictedByClassLost = 110 , AlignmentRestrictedByClassGain = 115 , AlignmentRestrictedWarningLoss = 116 , AlignmentRestrictedWarningGain = 112 , AlignmentEpitomeGained = 113 , AlignmentEpitomeLost = 114 , ImmunityDisease = 125 , ImmunityCriticalHit = 126 , ImmunityDeathMagic = 127 , ImmunityFear = 128 , ImmunityKnockdown = 129 , ImmunityParalysis = 130 , ImmunityNegativeLevel = 131 , ImmunityMindSpells = 132 , ImmunityPoison = 133 , ImmunitySneakAttack = 134 , ImmunitySleep = 135 , ImmunityDaze = 136 , ImmunityConfusion = 137 , ImmunityStun = 138 , ImmunityBlindness = 139 , ImmunityDeafness = 140 , ImmunityCurse = 141 , ImmunityCharm = 142 , ImmunityDominate = 143 , ImmunityEntangle = 144 , ImmunitySilence = 145 , ImmunitySlow = 146 , AssociateSummoned = 154 , AssociateUnsummoning = 155 , AssociateUnsummoningBecauseRest = 156 , AssociateUnsummoningBecauseDied = 157 , AssociateDominated = 158 , AssociateDominationEnded = 159 , AssociatePossessedCannotRecoverTrap = 170 , AssociatePossessedCannotBarter = 171 , AssociatePossessedCannotEquip = 172 , AssociatePossessedCannotRepositoryMove = 173 , AssociatePossessedCannotPickUp = 174 , AssociatePossessedCannotDrop = 175 , AssociatePossessedCannotUnequip = 176 , AssociatePossessedCannotRest = 177 , AssociatePossessedCannotDialogue = 178 , AssociatePossessedCannotGiveItem = 179 , AssociatePossessedCannotTakeItem = 180 , AssociatePossessedCannotUseContainer = 181 , ScriptError = 160 , ActionListOverflow = 161 , EffectListOverflow = 162 , AiUpdateTimeOverflow = 163 , ActionListWipeOverflow = 164 , EffectListWipeOverflow = 165 , SendMessageToPc = 204 , SendMessageToPcStrref = 242 , GuiOnlyPartyLeaderMayClick = 201 , Paused = 205 , Unpaused = 206 , RestYouMayNotAtThisTime = 214 , GuiCharExportRequestSent = 215 , GuiCharExportedSuccessfully = 216 , GuiErrorCharNotExported = 217 , CameraBg = 255 , CameraEq = 256 , CameraChaseCam = 258 , Saving = 225 , SaveComplete = 226 } |
enum class | FilterMode { Blacklist , Whitelist } |
enum class | InjectPropertyTypes { InstanceOnly , StaticOnly } |
enum class | Language { English = 0 , French = 1 , German = 2 , Italian = 3 , Spanish = 4 , Polish = 5 , Korean = 128 , ChineseTraditional = 129 , ChineseSimplified = 130 , Japanese = 131 } |
enum class | LogMode { Default = 0 , Off = 0 , Duplicate , Redirect } |
enum class | NodeType { Invalid = -1 , StartingNode = 0 , EntryNode = 1 , ReplyNode = 2 } |
enum class | OverrideNameType { Original = 0 , Character = 1 , Player = 2 } |
enum class | ScriptHandleResult { NotHandled = ~0 , Handled = 0 , False = 0 , True = 1 } |
enum class | ScriptType { Other = 0 , StartingConditional = 1 , ActionTaken = 2 } |
enum class | ValidationFailureSubType { None = 0 , ServerLevelRestriction , LevelHack , ColoredName , UnidentifiedEquippedItem , MinEquipLevel , NonPCCharacter , DMCharacter , NonPlayerRace , NonPlayerClass , ClassLevelRestriction , PrestigeClassRequirements , ClassAlignmentRestriction , StartingAbilityValueMax , AbilityPointBuySystemCalculation , ClassSpellcasterInvalidPrimaryStat , EpicLevelFlag , TooManyHitPoints , UnusableSkill , NotEnoughSkillPoints , InvalidNumRanksInClassSkill , InvalidNumRanksInNonClassSkill , InvalidNumRemainingSkillPoints , InvalidFeat , FeatRequiredSpellLevelNotMet , FeatRequiredBaseAttackBonusNotMet , FeatRequiredAbilityValueNotMet , FeatRequiredSkillNotMet , FeatRequiredFeatNotMet , TooManyFeatsThisLevel , FeatNotAvailableToClass , FeatIsNormalFeatOnly , FeatIsBonusFeatOnly , SpellInvalidSpellGainWizard , SpellInvalidSpellGainBardSorcerer , SpellInvalidSpellGainOtherClasses , InvalidSpell , SpellInvalidSpellLevel , SpellMinimumAbilityBardSorcererUnused , SpellMinimumAbilityWizardUnused , SpellMinimumAbility , SpellRestrictedSpellSchool , SpellAlreadyKnown , SpellWizardExceedsNumSpellsToAdd , IllegalRemovedSpell , RemovedNotKnownSpell , InvalidNumSpells , SpellListComparison , SkillListComparison , FeatListComparison , MiscSavingThrow , NumFeatComparison , InvalidClass , NumMulticlass } |
enum class | ValidationFailureType { None = 0 , Character , Item , Skill , Feat , Spell , Custom } |
enum class | VisibilityMode { Default = 0 , Visible , Hidden , DMOnly , AlwaysVisible , AlwaysVisibleDMOnly } |
Functions | |
delegate string | TwoDimEntry (string column) |
strong |