Anvil.Services Namespace Reference


class  ChatService
class  DevastatingCriticalData
class  DialogService
class  EncodingService
 Manages string conversion for NWN.Core, NWN.Native and the StringHelper utility class. More...
class  EnforceLegalCharacterService
class  EventService
class  FeedbackService
 Allows combat log, feedback and journal update messages to be hidden globally or per player. More...
class  FunctionHook
class  HomeStorage
 Full directory paths for the anvil home directory. More...
class  HookOrder
class  HookService
 An advanced service for hooking native NWN functions. More...
interface  IInitializable
 Interface that is invoked after all services have been initialised. More...
interface  ILateDisposable
 Interface that is invoked after the server has been shutdown. Not called during hot reloads. More...
class  InjectAttribute
 Indicates a property as a service dependency to be injected. More...
class  InjectionService
interface  IScriptDispatcher
 Implement in a service to add a custom handler for event scripts. More...
interface  IServiceManager
 The interface that manages all core, anvil and plugin services.
Advanced: implement in your own class and specify in AnvilCore.Init(System.IntPtr,int,IServiceManager) to implement your own service manager. More...
interface  ITwoDimArray
 Implement this interface to use the class as a deserialization target for TwoDimArrayFactory.Get2DA<T>. More...
interface  IUpdateable
 Implement this interface in your service to get a callback each server loop. More...
struct  MaxRangedAttackDistanceOverride
class  NativeFunctionAttribute
class  ObjectStorage
class  ObjectStorageService
struct  ObjectStorageValue
class  OnELCCustomCheck
class  OnELCFeatValidationFailure
class  OnELCItemValidationFailure
class  OnELCLevelValidationFailure
class  OnELCSkillValidationFailure
class  OnELCSpellValidationFailure
class  OnELCValidationBefore
class  OnELCValidationFailure
class  OnELCValidationSuccess
class  PlayerNameOverride
class  PlayerNameOverrideService
class  PluginStorageService
 Manages plugin data stored in the Anvil home directory.
Use this service to get a path for reading and writing configs or data for your plugin. More...
class  ResourceManager
class  ScheduledTask
class  SchedulerService
 A service for scheduling tasks to run with a timed delay and/or repeat with a regular interval. More...
class  ScriptCallbackHandle
 A handle for a native NSS script callback. More...
class  ScriptHandleFactory
 A service for registering C# functions as script handlers dynamically. More...
class  ScriptHandlerAttribute
 Indicates that the method in the service should be used to handle all NWScript calls to the specified ScriptName. More...
class  ServiceBindingAttribute
 The main attribute used to define new services and run them.
Each class flagged with a ServiceBindingAttribute will be automatically constructed on startup, and any services specified in the constructor will be injected as dependencies. More...
class  ServiceBindingOptionsAttribute
 Additional service binding options. More...
class  TargetingData
 Configuration options for the target helper. See TargetModeSettings.TargetingData, NwPlayer.SetSpellTargetingData. More...
class  TargetModeSettings
 Configuration options for target mode. See NwPlayer.EnterTargetMode, NwPlayer.TryEnterTargetMode. More...
class  TwoDimArrayFactory
 Creates a deserialized 2da structure using a ITwoDimArray converter. More...
class  WeaponService


enum class  BindingPriority : short {
  Highest = short.MinValue ,
  VeryHigh = -30000 ,
  High = -20000 ,
  AboveNormal = -10000 ,
  Normal = 0 ,
  BelowNormal = 10000 ,
  Low = 20000 ,
  VeryLow = 30000 ,
  Lowest = short.MaxValue
enum class  ChatChannel : byte {
  PlayerTalk = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerTalk ,
  PlayerShout = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerShout ,
  PlayerWhisper = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerWhisper ,
  PlayerTell = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerTell ,
  ServerMessage = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.ServerMessage ,
  PlayerParty = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerParty ,
  PlayerDm = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.PlayerDm ,
  DmTalk = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmTalk ,
  DmShout = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmShout ,
  DmWhisper = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmWhisper ,
  DmTell = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmTell ,
  DmParty = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmParty ,
  DmDm = NWN.Native.API.ChatChannel.DmDm
enum class  CombatLogMessage {
  SimpleAdjective = 1 ,
  SimpleDamage = 2 ,
  ComplexDamage = 3 ,
  ComplexDeath = 4 ,
  ComplexAttack = 5 ,
  SpecialAttack = 6 ,
  SavingThrow = 7 ,
  CastSpell = 8 ,
  UseSkill = 9 ,
  SpellResistance = 10 ,
  Feedback = 11 ,
  Counterspell = 12 ,
  Touchattack = 13 ,
  Initiative = 14 ,
  DispelMagic = 15 ,
  Polymorph = 17 ,
  Feedbackstring = 18 ,
  Vibrate = 19 ,
  Unlockachievement = 20
enum class  DialogState {
  Invalid ,
  Start ,
  SendEntry ,
  SendReplies ,
enum class  EventCallbackType {
  Before ,
enum class  FeedbackMessage {
  SkillCantUse = 0 ,
  SkillCantUseTimer = 1 ,
  SkillAnimalEmpathyValidTargets = 2 ,
  SkillTauntValidTargets = 3 ,
  SkillTauntTargetImmune = 223 ,
  SkillPickpocketStoleItem = 4 ,
  SkillPickpocketStoleGold = 5 ,
  SkillPickpocketAttemptingToSteal = 46 ,
  SkillPickpocketAttemptDetected = 150 ,
  SkillPickpocketStoleItemTarget = 47 ,
  SkillPickpocketStoleGoldTarget = 48 ,
  SkillPickpocketTargetBroke = 57 ,
  SkillHealTargetNotDiseasedPoisoned = 55 ,
  SkillHealValidTargets = 56 ,
  SkillStealthInCombat = 60 ,
  TargetUnaware = 6 ,
  ActionNotPossibleStatus = 7 ,
  ActionNotPossiblePvp = 187 ,
  ActionCantReachTarget = 218 ,
  ActionNoLoot = 247 ,
  WeightTooEncumberedToRun = 8 ,
  WeightTooEncumberedWalkSlow = 9 ,
  WeightTooEncumberedCantPickup = 10 ,
  StatsLevelUp = 11 ,
  InventoryFull = 12 ,
  ContainerFull = 212 ,
  TrapTriggered = 82 ,
  DamageHealed = 151 ,
  ExperienceGained = 182 ,
  ExperienceLost = 183 ,
  JournalUpdated = 184 ,
  BarterCancelled = 185 ,
  DetectModeActivated = 83 ,
  DetectModeDeactivated = 84 ,
  StealthModeActivated = 85 ,
  StealthModeDeactivated = 86 ,
  ParryModeActivated = 87 ,
  ParryModeDeactivated = 88 ,
  PowerAttackModeActivated = 89 ,
  PowerAttackModeDeactivated = 90 ,
  ImprovedPowerAttackModeActivated = 91 ,
  ImprovedPowerAttackModeDeactivated = 92 ,
  RapidShotModeActivated = 166 ,
  RapidShotModeDeactivated = 167 ,
  FlurryOfBlowsModeActivated = 168 ,
  FlurryOfBlowsModeDeactivated = 169 ,
  ExpertiseModeActivated = 227 ,
  ExpertiseModeDeactivated = 228 ,
  ImprovedExpertiseModeActivated = 229 ,
  ImprovedExpertiseModeDeactivated = 230 ,
  DefensiveCastModeActivated = 231 ,
  DefensiveCastModeDeactivated = 232 ,
  ModeCannotUseWeapons = 188 ,
  DirtyFightingModeActivated = 237 ,
  DirtyFightingModeDeactivated = 238 ,
  DefensiveStanceModeActivated = 252 ,
  DefensiveStanceModeDeactivated = 253 ,
  EquipSkillSpellModifiers = 71 ,
  EquipUnidentified = 76 ,
  EquipMonkAbilities = 77 ,
  EquipInsufficientLevel = 98 ,
  EquipProficiencies = 119 ,
  EquipWeaponTooLarge = 120 ,
  EquipWeaponTooSmall = 260 ,
  EquipOneHandedWeapon = 121 ,
  EquipTwoHandedWeapon = 122 ,
  EquipWeaponSwappedOut = 123 ,
  EquipOneChainWeapon = 124 ,
  EquipNaturalAcNoStack = 189 ,
  EquipArmourAcNoStack = 190 ,
  EquipShieldAcNoStack = 191 ,
  EquipDeflectionAcNoStack = 192 ,
  EquipNoArmorCombat = 193 ,
  EquipRangerAbilities = 200 ,
  EquipAlignment = 207 ,
  EquipClass = 208 ,
  EquipRace = 209 ,
  UnequipNoArmorCombat = 194 ,
  ObjectLocked = 13 ,
  ObjectNotLocked = 14 ,
  ObjectSpecialKey = 15 ,
  ObjectUsedKey = 16 ,
  RestExcitedCantRest = 17 ,
  RestBeginningRest = 18 ,
  RestFinishedRest = 19 ,
  RestCancelRest = 20 ,
  RestNotAllowedInArea = 54 ,
  RestNotAllowedByPossessedFamiliar = 153 ,
  RestNotAllowedEnemies = 186 ,
  RestCantUnderThisEffect = 213 ,
  CastLostTarget = 21 ,
  CastCantCast = 22 ,
  CastCounterspellTargetLostTarget = 52 ,
  CastArcaneSpellFailure = 61 ,
  CastCounterspellTargetArcaneSpellFailure = 118 ,
  CastEntangleConcentrationFailure = 65 ,
  CastCounterspellTargetEntangleConcentrationFailure = 147 ,
  CastSpellInterrupted = 72 ,
  CastEffectSpellFailure = 236 ,
  CastCantCastWhilePolymorphed = 107 ,
  CastUseHands = 210 ,
  CastUseMouth = 211 ,
  CastDefensiveCastConcentrationFailure = 233 ,
  CastDefensiveCastConcentrationSuccess = 240 ,
  UseItemCantUse = 23 ,
  ConversationTooFar = 58 ,
  ConversationBusy = 59 ,
  ConversationInCombat = 152 ,
  CharacterInTransit = 74 ,
  CharacterOutTransit = 75 ,
  UseItemNotEquipped = 244 ,
  DropItemCantDrop = 245 ,
  DropItemCantGive = 246 ,
  ClientServerSpellMismatch = 259 ,
  CombatRunningOutOfAmmo = 24 ,
  CombatOutOfAmmo = 25 ,
  CombatHenchmanOutOfAmmo = 241 ,
  CombatDamageImmunity = 62 ,
  CombatSpellImmunity = 68 ,
  CombatDamageResistance = 63 ,
  CombatDamageResistanceRemaining = 66 ,
  CombatDamageReduction = 64 ,
  CombatDamageReductionRemaining = 67 ,
  CombatSpellLevelAbsorption = 69 ,
  CombatSpellLevelAbsorptionRemaining = 70 ,
  CombatWeaponNotEffective = 117 ,
  CombatEpicDodgeAttackEvaded = 234 ,
  CombatMassiveDamage = 235 ,
  CombatSavedVsMassiveDamage = 254 ,
  CombatSavedVsDevastatingCritical = 257 ,
  FeatSapValidTargets = 26 ,
  FeatKnockdownValidTargets = 27 ,
  FeatImprovedKnockdownValidTargets = 28 ,
  FeatCalledShotNoLegs = 29 ,
  FeatCalledShotNoArms = 30 ,
  FeatSmiteGoodTargetNotGood = 239 ,
  FeatSmiteEvilTargetNotEvil = 53 ,
  FeatQuiveringPalmHigherLevel = 73 ,
  FeatKeenSenseDetect = 195 ,
  FeatUseUnarmed = 198 ,
  FeatUses = 199 ,
  FeatUseWeaponOfChoice = 243 ,
  PartyNewLeader = 31 ,
  PartyMemberKicked = 32 ,
  PartyKickedYou = 33 ,
  PartyAlreadyConsidering = 34 ,
  PartyAlreadyInvolved = 35 ,
  PartySentInvitation = 36 ,
  PartyReceivedInvitation = 37 ,
  PartyJoined = 38 ,
  PartyInvitationIgnored = 39 ,
  PartyYouIgnoredInvitation = 40 ,
  PartyInvitationRejected = 41 ,
  PartyYouRejectedInvitation = 42 ,
  PartyInvitationExpired = 43 ,
  PartyLeftParty = 44 ,
  PartyYouLeft = 45 ,
  PartyHenchmanLimit = 49 ,
  PartyCannotLeaveTheOneParty = 196 ,
  PartyCannotKickFromTheOneParty = 197 ,
  PartyYouInvitedNonSingleton = 202 ,
  PvpReactionDislikesYou = 203 ,
  ItemReceived = 50 ,
  ItemLost = 51 ,
  ItemEjected = 96 ,
  ItemUseUnidentified = 97 ,
  ItemGoldGained = 148 ,
  ItemGoldLost = 149 ,
  LearnScrollNotScroll = 78 ,
  LearnScrollCantLearnClass = 79 ,
  LearnScrollCantLearnLevel = 80 ,
  LearnScrollCantLearnAbility = 81 ,
  LearnScrollCantLearnOpposition = 219 ,
  LearnScrollCantLearnPossess = 220 ,
  LearnScrollCantLearnKnown = 221 ,
  LearnScrollCantLearnDivine = 224 ,
  LearnScrollSuccess = 222 ,
  FloatyTextStrref = 93 ,
  FloatyTextString = 94 ,
  CannotSellPlotItem = 99 ,
  CannotSellContainer = 100 ,
  CannotSellItem = 101 ,
  NotEnoughGold = 102 ,
  TransactionSucceeded = 103 ,
  PriceTooHigh = 248 ,
  StoreNotEnoughGold = 249 ,
  CannotSellStolenItem = 250 ,
  CannotSellRestrictedItem = 251 ,
  PortalTimedOut = 104 ,
  PortalInvalid = 105 ,
  ChatTellPlayerNotFound = 106 ,
  AlignmentShift = 108 ,
  AlignmentPartyShift = 111 ,
  AlignmentChange = 109 ,
  AlignmentRestrictedByClassLost = 110 ,
  AlignmentRestrictedByClassGain = 115 ,
  AlignmentRestrictedWarningLoss = 116 ,
  AlignmentRestrictedWarningGain = 112 ,
  AlignmentEpitomeGained = 113 ,
  AlignmentEpitomeLost = 114 ,
  ImmunityDisease = 125 ,
  ImmunityCriticalHit = 126 ,
  ImmunityDeathMagic = 127 ,
  ImmunityFear = 128 ,
  ImmunityKnockdown = 129 ,
  ImmunityParalysis = 130 ,
  ImmunityNegativeLevel = 131 ,
  ImmunityMindSpells = 132 ,
  ImmunityPoison = 133 ,
  ImmunitySneakAttack = 134 ,
  ImmunitySleep = 135 ,
  ImmunityDaze = 136 ,
  ImmunityConfusion = 137 ,
  ImmunityStun = 138 ,
  ImmunityBlindness = 139 ,
  ImmunityDeafness = 140 ,
  ImmunityCurse = 141 ,
  ImmunityCharm = 142 ,
  ImmunityDominate = 143 ,
  ImmunityEntangle = 144 ,
  ImmunitySilence = 145 ,
  ImmunitySlow = 146 ,
  AssociateSummoned = 154 ,
  AssociateUnsummoning = 155 ,
  AssociateUnsummoningBecauseRest = 156 ,
  AssociateUnsummoningBecauseDied = 157 ,
  AssociateDominated = 158 ,
  AssociateDominationEnded = 159 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotRecoverTrap = 170 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotBarter = 171 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotEquip = 172 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotRepositoryMove = 173 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotPickUp = 174 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotDrop = 175 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotUnequip = 176 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotRest = 177 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotDialogue = 178 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotGiveItem = 179 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotTakeItem = 180 ,
  AssociatePossessedCannotUseContainer = 181 ,
  ScriptError = 160 ,
  ActionListOverflow = 161 ,
  EffectListOverflow = 162 ,
  AiUpdateTimeOverflow = 163 ,
  ActionListWipeOverflow = 164 ,
  EffectListWipeOverflow = 165 ,
  SendMessageToPc = 204 ,
  SendMessageToPcStrref = 242 ,
  GuiOnlyPartyLeaderMayClick = 201 ,
  Paused = 205 ,
  Unpaused = 206 ,
  RestYouMayNotAtThisTime = 214 ,
  GuiCharExportRequestSent = 215 ,
  GuiCharExportedSuccessfully = 216 ,
  GuiErrorCharNotExported = 217 ,
  CameraBg = 255 ,
  CameraEq = 256 ,
  CameraChaseCam = 258 ,
  Saving = 225 ,
  SaveComplete = 226
enum class  FilterMode {
  Blacklist ,
enum class  InjectPropertyTypes {
  InstanceOnly ,
enum class  Language {
  English = 0 ,
  French = 1 ,
  German = 2 ,
  Italian = 3 ,
  Spanish = 4 ,
  Polish = 5 ,
  Korean = 128 ,
  ChineseTraditional = 129 ,
  ChineseSimplified = 130 ,
  Japanese = 131
enum class  LogMode {
  Default = 0 ,
  Off = 0 ,
  Duplicate ,
enum class  NodeType {
  Invalid = -1 ,
  StartingNode = 0 ,
  EntryNode = 1 ,
  ReplyNode = 2
enum class  OverrideNameType {
  Original = 0 ,
  Character = 1 ,
  Player = 2
enum class  ScriptHandleResult {
  NotHandled = ~0 ,
  Handled = 0 ,
  False = 0 ,
  True = 1
enum class  ScriptType {
  Other = 0 ,
  StartingConditional = 1 ,
  ActionTaken = 2
enum class  ValidationFailureSubType {
  None = 0 ,
  ServerLevelRestriction ,
  LevelHack ,
  ColoredName ,
  UnidentifiedEquippedItem ,
  MinEquipLevel ,
  NonPCCharacter ,
  DMCharacter ,
  NonPlayerRace ,
  NonPlayerClass ,
  ClassLevelRestriction ,
  PrestigeClassRequirements ,
  ClassAlignmentRestriction ,
  StartingAbilityValueMax ,
  AbilityPointBuySystemCalculation ,
  ClassSpellcasterInvalidPrimaryStat ,
  EpicLevelFlag ,
  TooManyHitPoints ,
  UnusableSkill ,
  NotEnoughSkillPoints ,
  InvalidNumRanksInClassSkill ,
  InvalidNumRanksInNonClassSkill ,
  InvalidNumRemainingSkillPoints ,
  InvalidFeat ,
  FeatRequiredSpellLevelNotMet ,
  FeatRequiredBaseAttackBonusNotMet ,
  FeatRequiredAbilityValueNotMet ,
  FeatRequiredSkillNotMet ,
  FeatRequiredFeatNotMet ,
  TooManyFeatsThisLevel ,
  FeatNotAvailableToClass ,
  FeatIsNormalFeatOnly ,
  FeatIsBonusFeatOnly ,
  SpellInvalidSpellGainWizard ,
  SpellInvalidSpellGainBardSorcerer ,
  SpellInvalidSpellGainOtherClasses ,
  InvalidSpell ,
  SpellInvalidSpellLevel ,
  SpellMinimumAbilityBardSorcererUnused ,
  SpellMinimumAbilityWizardUnused ,
  SpellMinimumAbility ,
  SpellRestrictedSpellSchool ,
  SpellAlreadyKnown ,
  SpellWizardExceedsNumSpellsToAdd ,
  IllegalRemovedSpell ,
  RemovedNotKnownSpell ,
  InvalidNumSpells ,
  SpellListComparison ,
  SkillListComparison ,
  FeatListComparison ,
  MiscSavingThrow ,
  NumFeatComparison ,
  InvalidClass ,
enum class  ValidationFailureType {
  None = 0 ,
  Character ,
  Item ,
  Skill ,
  Feat ,
  Spell ,
enum class  VisibilityMode {
  Default = 0 ,
  Visible ,
  Hidden ,
  DMOnly ,
  AlwaysVisible ,


delegate string TwoDimEntry (string column)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CombatLogMessage


<charname> : <adjective described by strref>.


<charname> damaged : <amount>.


<charname> damages <charname> : <amount>.


<charname> killed <charname>.


<charname> attacks <charname> : hit / miss / parried : (<attack roll> + <attack mod> = <modified total>).


<charname> attempts <special attack> on <charname> : success / failure : (<attack roll> + <attack mod> = <modified roll>).


<charname> : <saving throw type> : success / failure : (<saving throw roll> + <saving throw modifier> = <modified total>).


<charname> casts <spell name> : Spellcraft check failure / success.


<charname> : <skill name> : success / failure : (<skill roll> + <skill modifier> = <modified total> vs <DC> ).


<charname> : Spell Resistance <SR value> : success / failure.


Feedback: Reason skill/feat/ability failed.
NOTE: This hides ALL feedback messages, to hide individual messages use NWNX_Feedback_SetFeedbackMessageHidden().


<charname> casts <spell name> : spell countered by : <charname> casting <spell name>.


<charname> attempts <melee/ranged touch attack> on <charname> : hit/miss/critical : (<attack roll> + <attack mod> = <modified roll>).


<charname> : Initiative Roll : <total> : (<roll> + <modifier> = <total>).


Dispel Magic : <charname> : <spell name>, <spell name>, <spell name>...







