Anvil.API.ITwoDimArrayEntry Interface Reference

Implement to decode TwoDimArrayEntry into a type using NwGameTables.GetTable<T>(string, bool, bool). More...

+ Inheritance diagram for Anvil.API.ITwoDimArrayEntry:

Public Member Functions

void InterpretEntry (TwoDimArrayEntry entry)


int RowIndex [get]

Detailed Description

Implement to decode TwoDimArrayEntry into a type using NwGameTables.GetTable<T>(string, bool, bool).


* Define a implementation to deserialize "xptable.2da", and use this class to determine how much XP is remaining until the next level.
using System.Linq;
using Anvil.API;
namespace NWN.Anvil.Samples
// This is the deserialization class for this specific type of 2da.
// We can implement our own helper functions here that operate on the 2da data, and cache it.
public sealed class ExpTableEntry : ITwoDimArrayEntry
public int Level { get; private set; }
public int XP { get; private set; }
// RowIndex is already populated externally, and we do not need to assign it in InterpretEntry.
public int RowIndex { get; init; }
// InterpretEntry is where we populate our entry properties (Level & XP) with the correct data.
public void InterpretEntry(TwoDimArrayEntry entry)
Level = entry.GetInt("Level").GetValueOrDefault(0);
XP = entry.GetInt("XP").GetValueOrDefault(0);
public class XPReportService
// The TwoDimArray is created here.
// ExpTableEntry (the type above) is passed in as a type parameter to be used to create our row data from exptable.2da.
private readonly TwoDimArray<ExpTableEntry> expTable = NwGameTables.GetTable<ExpTableEntry>("exptable.2da")!;
public XPReportService()
NwModule.Instance.OnClientEnter += OnClientEnter;
private void OnClientEnter(ModuleEvents.OnClientEnter onClientEnter)
NwPlayer player = onClientEnter.Player;
NwCreature? creature = player.ControlledCreature;
if (creature == null)
int nextLevel = GetLevelFromXp(creature.Xp) + 1;
if (nextLevel > MaxLevel)
player.SendServerMessage($"Next level up: {GetXpForLevel(nextLevel) - creature.Xp}");
public int MaxLevel => expTable[^1].Level;
public int GetXpForLevel(int level)
return expTable.First(entry => entry.Level == level).XP;
public int GetLevelFromXp(int xp)
int level = 1;
foreach (ExpTableEntry entry in expTable.Rows)
if (entry.XP > xp)
level = entry.Level;
return level;

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