Classes | |
class | AreaEvents |
Built-in events associated with a specific area. More... | |
class | AreaOfEffectEvents |
Built-in events for effects created with Effect.AreaOfEffect. More... | |
class | CreatureEvents |
Built-in events associated with a specific creature. More... | |
class | DamageData |
class | DebugEventFactory |
class | DialogEvents |
class | DMEvent |
class | DMEventFactory |
class | DMGiveEvent |
class | DMGroupTargetEvent |
class | DMSingleTargetEvent |
class | DMTeleportEvent |
class | DoorEvents |
Built-in events associated with a specific door. More... | |
class | EffectRunScriptEvent |
class | EncounterEvents |
Built-in events associated with a specific encounter. More... | |
class | GameEventFactory |
class | HookEventFactory |
interface | IEvent |
interface | IEventFactory |
interface | IEventSkippable |
class | ModuleEvents |
Global module events. More... | |
class | OnAssociateAdd |
class | OnAssociateRemove |
class | OnBarterEnd |
class | OnBarterStart |
class | OnCalendarTimeChange |
class | OnChatMessageSend |
Called when a chat message is about to be sent by an object. More... | |
class | OnCheckEffectImmunity |
Called when an effect is checking for creature immunities. Use this event to force an effect to bypass creature immunities. More... | |
class | OnClientConnect |
Triggered when a player attempts to connect to the server (before character select). This event can be cancelled to prevent a player from connecting to the server. More... | |
class | OnClientDisconnect |
Called when the player disconnects from the server. This event is also called if the player connects, and then disconnects on the character select screen. More... | |
class | OnClientLevelUpBegin |
class | OnCombatDRBroken |
class | OnCombatModeToggle |
class | OnCombatRoundStart |
class | OnCombatStatusChange |
class | OnCreatureAttack |
class | OnCreatureCheckProficiencies |
Called when an item is tested against a creature's proficiencies to determine if the creature may attempt to equip the item. More... | |
class | OnCreatureDamage |
class | OnDebugPlayVisualEffect |
Called when a client attempts to spawn a visual effect. More... | |
class | OnDebugRunScript |
Called when a script has been requested to execute from the nwscript debug window. More... | |
class | OnDebugRunScriptChunk |
Called when a client has requested a script chunk to be executed. More... | |
class | OnDetectModeUpdate |
class | OnDisarmWeapon |
class | OnDispelMagicApply |
Called when a API.Effect.DispelMagicAll or API.Effect.DispelMagicBest effect is applied to an object. More... | |
class | OnDMChangeDifficulty |
class | OnDMDumpLocals |
class | OnDMGiveAlignment |
class | OnDMGiveItem |
class | OnDMJumpTargetToPoint |
class | OnDMPlayerDMLogin |
class | OnDMSpawnObject |
class | OnDMSpawnTrapOnObject |
class | OnDMViewInventory |
class | OnDoListenDetection |
class | OnDoorSetOpenState |
Called when a door's open state is changed (open/closed/destroyed). More... | |
class | OnDoSpotDetection |
class | OnEffectApply |
Called when an effect is about to be applied to a creature. More... | |
class | OnEffectRemove |
Called when an effect is about to be removed from a creature. More... | |
class | OnExamineObject |
class | OnExamineTrap |
class | OnFamiliarPossess |
class | OnFamiliarUnpossess |
class | OnHeal |
class | OnHealKitUse |
Called when a heal kit is used by a creature. More... | |
class | OnInventoryGoldAdd |
class | OnInventoryGoldRemove |
class | OnInventoryItemAdd |
class | OnInventoryItemRemove |
class | OnItemEquip |
class | OnItemInventoryClose |
class | OnItemInventoryOpen |
class | OnItemPayToIdentify |
class | OnItemScrollLearn |
Called when a creature is about to learn a spell from a scroll. More... | |
class | OnItemUnequip |
Called when a creature attempts to unequip an item. More... | |
class | OnItemUse |
class | OnItemValidateEquip |
class | OnItemValidateUse |
class | OnLevelDown |
class | OnLevelUp |
class | OnLevelUpAutomatic |
class | OnLoadCharacterFinish |
Called immediately after a player character is loaded by the server. More... | |
class | OnMapPinAddPin |
Called when a player is about to place a map pin. More... | |
class | OnMapPinChangePin |
Called when a player is about to change an existing map pin. More... | |
class | OnMapPinDestroyPin |
Called when a player is about to delete an existing map pin. More... | |
class | OnObjectUse |
Called when a creature is about to use an object. More... | |
class | OnPartyEvent |
class | OnPlayerQuickChat |
Called when a player uses a quick chat command. More... | |
class | OnPolymorphApply |
Called when a creature is about to be affected by a polymorph effect. More... | |
class | OnPolymorphRemove |
Called when a creature is about to lose a polymorph effect. More... | |
class | OnServerCharacterSave |
Called when the server is about to save a character to the server vault. This is called once for every character when the server is exiting, when a player leaves the server, or when ExportSingleCharacter() & ExportAllCharacters() is called. This event can be skipped to prevent the character from being saved. More... | |
class | OnServerSendArea |
class | OnSpellAction |
class | OnSpellBroadcast |
class | OnSpellCast |
class | OnSpellInterrupt |
class | OnSpellSlotClear |
class | OnSpellSlotMemorize |
class | OnStealthModeUpdate |
class | OnStoreRequestBuy |
class | OnStoreRequestSell |
class | OnTriggerEnter |
Called when an object enters a trigger. More... | |
class | OnUseFeat |
class | OnUseSkill |
Called when a creature attempts to use a skill. More... | |
class | PlaceableEvents |
Built-in events associated with a specific placeable. More... | |
class | SpellEvents |
class | StoreEvents |
Built-in events associated with a specific store. More... | |
class | TimeOfDayState |
class | TriggerEvents |
Built-in events associated with a specific trigger. More... | |