No Matches
Anvil.API.Events Namespace Reference


class  AreaEvents
 Built-in events associated with a specific area. More...
class  AreaOfEffectEvents
 Built-in events for effects created with Effect.AreaOfEffect. More...
class  CreatureEvents
 Built-in events associated with a specific creature. More...
class  DamageData
class  DebugEventFactory
class  DialogEvents
class  DMEvent
class  DMEventFactory
class  DMGiveEvent
class  DMGroupTargetEvent
class  DMSingleTargetEvent
class  DMTeleportEvent
class  DoorEvents
 Built-in events associated with a specific door. More...
class  EffectRunScriptEvent
class  EncounterEvents
 Built-in events associated with a specific encounter. More...
class  GameEventFactory
class  HookEventFactory
interface  IEvent
interface  IEventFactory
interface  IEventSkippable
class  ModuleEvents
 Global module events. More...
class  OnAssociateAdd
class  OnAssociateRemove
class  OnBarterEnd
class  OnBarterStart
class  OnCalendarTimeChange
class  OnChatMessageSend
 Called when a chat message is about to be sent by an object. More...
class  OnCheckEffectImmunity
 Called when an effect is checking for creature immunities.
Use this event to force an effect to bypass creature immunities. More...
class  OnClientConnect
 Triggered when a player attempts to connect to the server (before character select).
This event can be cancelled to prevent a player from connecting to the server. More...
class  OnClientDisconnect
 Called when the player disconnects from the server.
This event is also called if the player connects, and then disconnects on the character select screen. More...
class  OnClientLevelUpBegin
class  OnCombatDRBroken
class  OnCombatModeToggle
class  OnCombatRoundStart
class  OnCombatStatusChange
class  OnCreatureAttack
class  OnCreatureCheckProficiencies
 Called when an item is tested against a creature's proficiencies to determine if the creature may attempt to equip the item. More...
class  OnCreatureDamage
class  OnDebugPlayVisualEffect
 Called when a client attempts to spawn a visual effect. More...
class  OnDebugRunScript
 Called when a script has been requested to execute from the nwscript debug window. More...
class  OnDebugRunScriptChunk
 Called when a client has requested a script chunk to be executed. More...
class  OnDetectModeUpdate
class  OnDisarmWeapon
class  OnDispelMagicApply
 Called when a API.Effect.DispelMagicAll or API.Effect.DispelMagicBest effect is applied to an object. More...
class  OnDMChangeDifficulty
class  OnDMDumpLocals
class  OnDMGiveAlignment
class  OnDMGiveItem
class  OnDMJumpTargetToPoint
class  OnDMPlayerDMLogin
class  OnDMSpawnObject
class  OnDMSpawnTrapOnObject
class  OnDMViewInventory
class  OnDoListenDetection
class  OnDoorSetOpenState
 Called when a door's open state is changed (open/closed/destroyed). More...
class  OnDoSpotDetection
class  OnEffectApply
 Called when an effect is about to be applied to a creature. More...
class  OnEffectRemove
 Called when an effect is about to be removed from a creature. More...
class  OnExamineObject
class  OnExamineTrap
class  OnFamiliarPossess
class  OnFamiliarUnpossess
class  OnHeal
class  OnHealKitUse
 Called when a heal kit is used by a creature. More...
class  OnInventoryGoldAdd
class  OnInventoryGoldRemove
class  OnInventoryItemAdd
class  OnInventoryItemRemove
class  OnItemEquip
class  OnItemInventoryClose
class  OnItemInventoryOpen
class  OnItemPayToIdentify
class  OnItemScrollLearn
 Called when a creature is about to learn a spell from a scroll. More...
class  OnItemUnequip
 Called when a creature attempts to unequip an item. More...
class  OnItemUse
class  OnItemValidateEquip
class  OnItemValidateUse
class  OnLevelDown
class  OnLevelUp
class  OnLevelUpAutomatic
class  OnLoadCharacterFinish
 Called immediately after a player character is loaded by the server. More...
class  OnMapPinAddPin
 Called when a player is about to place a map pin. More...
class  OnMapPinChangePin
 Called when a player is about to change an existing map pin. More...
class  OnMapPinDestroyPin
 Called when a player is about to delete an existing map pin. More...
class  OnObjectUse
 Called when a creature is about to use an object. More...
class  OnPartyEvent
class  OnPlayerQuickChat
 Called when a player uses a quick chat command. More...
class  OnPolymorphApply
 Called when a creature is about to be affected by a polymorph effect. More...
class  OnPolymorphRemove
 Called when a creature is about to lose a polymorph effect. More...
class  OnServerCharacterSave
 Called when the server is about to save a character to the server vault.
This is called once for every character when the server is exiting, when a player leaves the server, or when ExportSingleCharacter() & ExportAllCharacters() is called.
This event can be skipped to prevent the character from being saved. More...
class  OnServerSendArea
class  OnSpellAction
class  OnSpellBroadcast
class  OnSpellCast
class  OnSpellInterrupt
class  OnSpellSlotClear
class  OnSpellSlotMemorize
class  OnStealthModeUpdate
class  OnStoreRequestBuy
class  OnStoreRequestSell
class  OnTriggerEnter
 Called when an object enters a trigger. More...
class  OnUseFeat
class  OnUseSkill
 Called when a creature attempts to use a skill. More...
class  PlaceableEvents
 Built-in events associated with a specific placeable. More...
class  SpellEvents
class  StoreEvents
 Built-in events associated with a specific store. More...
class  TimeOfDayState
class  TriggerEvents
 Built-in events associated with a specific trigger. More...


enum  AttackResult {
  Unknown = 0 ,
  Hit = 1 ,
  Parried = 2 ,
  CriticalHit = 3 ,
  Miss = 4 ,
  Resisted = 5 ,
  AutomaticHit = 7 ,
  Concealed = 8 ,
  MissChance = 9 ,
  DevastatingCritical = 10
enum  CheckProficiencyOverride {
  None = 0 ,
  HasProficiency ,
enum  CombatStatus {
  EnterCombat ,
enum  DispelMagicType {
  Best ,
enum  DRType {
  DamageResistance ,
enum  DumpLocalsType {
  DumpLocals = 0 ,
  DumpAreaLocals = 1 ,
  DumpModuleLocals = 2
enum  EquipValidationResult {
  Denied = 0 ,
  Okay = 1 ,
  ReplaceCurrentItem = 2
enum  ForceNewModeOverride {
  None ,
  Force ,
enum  PartyEventType {
  Leave = MessagePartyMinor.Leave ,
  Kick = MessagePartyMinor.Kick ,
  TransferLeadership = MessagePartyMinor.TransferLeadership ,
  Invite = MessagePartyMinor.Invite ,
  IgnoreInvitation = MessagePartyMinor.IgnoreInvitation ,
  AcceptInvitation = MessagePartyMinor.AcceptInvitation ,
  RejectInvitation = MessagePartyMinor.RejectInvitation ,
  KickHenchman = MessagePartyMinor.KickHenchman
enum  SneakAttack {
  None = 0 ,
  SneakAttack = 1 ,
  DeathAttack = 2 ,
  SneakDeathAttack = 3
enum  StealthModeOverride {
  None ,
  ForceEnter ,
  PreventHIPSEnter ,
enum  TimeChangeType {
  Hour ,
  Day ,
  Month ,
  Year ,
enum  ToggleModeEventType {
  Enter ,
enum  VisibilityOverride {
  None ,
  Visible ,
enum  WeaponAttackType {
  Unknown = 0 ,
  MainHand = 1 ,
  Offhand = 2 ,
  CreatureLeft = 3 ,
  CreatureRight = 4 ,
  CreatureBite = 5 ,
  HastedAttack = 6 ,
  Unarmed = 7 ,
  UnarmedExtra = 8