Called when an item is tested against a creature's proficiencies to determine if the creature may attempt to equip the item.
NwCreature | Creature = null! [get] |
| The creature whose proficiencies are being checked for the item to be equipped. More...
NwItem | Item = null! [get] |
| The item attempting to be equipped. More...
CheckProficiencyOverride | ResultOverride [get, set] |
| Gets or sets an override result to use for this proficiency check. More...
EquipmentSlots | TargetSlot [get] |
| The inventory slot the item is attempting to be equipped to. More...
NwObject? | Context [get] |
Called when an item is tested against a creature's proficiencies to determine if the creature may attempt to equip the item.
◆ Creature
NwCreature Anvil.API.Events.OnCreatureCheckProficiencies.Creature = null! |
get |
The creature whose proficiencies are being checked for the item to be equipped.
◆ Item
NwItem Anvil.API.Events.OnCreatureCheckProficiencies.Item = null! |
get |
The item attempting to be equipped.
◆ ResultOverride
CheckProficiencyOverride Anvil.API.Events.OnCreatureCheckProficiencies.ResultOverride |
getset |
Gets or sets an override result to use for this proficiency check.
◆ TargetSlot
EquipmentSlots Anvil.API.Events.OnCreatureCheckProficiencies.TargetSlot |
get |
The inventory slot the item is attempting to be equipped to.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- NWN.Anvil/src/main/API/Events/Native/CreatureEvents/OnCreatureCheckProficiencies.cs