void | ApplyEnvironmentPreset (EnvironmentPreset preset) |
NwArea? | Clone () |
| Creates a copy of this area, including everything inside of it (except players).
EnvironmentPreset | CreateEnvironmentPreset () |
AreaDestroyResult | Destroy () |
| Destroys this area and anything within it.
IEnumerable< T > | FindObjectsOfTypeInArea< T > () |
| Locates all objects of the specified type.
int | GetAreaLightColor (AreaLightColor colorType) |
| Gets a light color in this area.
Vector3 | GetAreaLightDirection (AreaLightDirection lightType) |
| Gets the light direction for the specified light type.
TileInfo | GetTileInfo (int tileX, int tileY) |
| Gets the tile info at the specified position in the area.
TileInfo | GetTileInfoByIndex (int index) |
| Gets the specified tile info by its index.
override? Guid | PeekUUID () |
void | PlayAmbient () |
| Begins playback of ambient sounds in this area.
void | PlayBackgroundMusic () |
| Begins playback of background music in this area.
void | PlayBattleMusic () |
| Begins playback of battle music for this area.
void | RecomputeStaticLighting () |
| Notifies all clients in this area to recompute static lighting.
This can be used to update the lighting after changing any tile lights or if placeables with lights have been added/deleted.
void | ReloadAreaBorder () |
| Notifies all clients in this area to reload the inaccesible border tiles.
This can be used to update the edge tiles after changing a tile with SetTile().
void | ReloadAreaGrass () |
| Notifies all clients in this area to recalculate grass.
This can be used to update the grass of an area after changing a tile with SetTile() that will have or used to have grass.
void | RemoveAreaGrassOverride (SurfaceMaterialTableEntry material) |
| Remove a grass override from this area that was set with SetAreaGrassOverride.
unsafe? byte[] | SerializeARE (string? areaName=null, string? resRef=null) |
byte?[] | SerializeGIT (ObjectTypes objectFilter=ObjectTypes.All, ICollection< NwGameObject >? exclusionList=null, bool exportVarTable=true, bool exportUUID=true, string? resRef=null) |
void | SetAreaDefaultGrassDisabled (bool disabled) |
| Set if the default grass of this area should be disabled.
void | SetAreaGrassOverride (SurfaceMaterialTableEntry material, string texture, float density, float height, Color ambientColor, Color diffuseColor) |
| Sets a grass override for a specific material in this area.
void | SetAreaLightColor (AreaLightColor colorType, int color, TimeSpan fadeTime=default) |
| Sets a light color in this area.
void | SetAreaLightDirection (AreaLightDirection lightType, Vector3 direction, TimeSpan fadeTime=default) |
| Sets the light direction for the specified light type.
void | SetAreaTileBorderDisabled (bool disabled) |
| Set to true to disable the inaccessible tile border in this area. Requires clients to reload the area to take effect.
void | SetAreaWind (Vector3 direction, float magnitude, float yaw, float pitch) |
| Sets the detailed wind data for this area.
void | SetFogAmount (FogType fogType, int fogAmount) |
| Sets the fog amount for this area, at the specified time of day.
void | SetFogColor (FogType fogType, FogColor fogColor, TimeSpan fadeTime=default) |
| Sets the fog color for this area, at the specified time of day.
void | SetTiles (List< TileData > data, SettleFlags flags=SettleFlags.RecomputeLighting, string tileSet="") |
| Bulk change a set of tiles in this area.
void | StopAmbient () |
| Stops playback of any ambient sounds in this area.
void | StopBackgroundMusic () |
| Stops playback of any running background music in this area.
void | StopBattleMusic () |
| Stops playback of any running battle music in this area.
static ? NwArea | Create (string resRef, string newTag="", string newName="") |
| Creates a new area from the specified resource reference.
static ? NwArea | Deserialize (byte[] serializedARE, byte[] serializedGIT, string newTag="", string newName="") |
static ? NwArea | Deserialize (string resRef, byte[] serializedARE, byte[] serializedGIT, string newTag="", string newName="") |
| Creates an area from the specified serialized area data.
static implicit | operator CNWSArea? (NwArea? area) |
static IEnumerable< T > | FindObjectsOfType< T > () |
| Locates all objects of the specified type.
static IEnumerable< NwObject > | FindObjectsWithTag (params string[] tags) |
| Locates all objects of that have the specified tag.
static IEnumerable< T > | FindObjectsWithTag< T > (params string[] tags) |
| Locates all objects of the specified type that have the specified tag.
int | AmbientDayTrack [set] |
| Sets the daytime ambient track for this area.
See "ambientsound.2da" for track numbers.
int | AmbientDayVolume [set] |
| Sets the daytime ambient track volume for this area.
int | AmbientNightTrack [set] |
| Sets the night ambient track for this area.
See "ambientsound.2da" for track numbers.
int | AmbientNightVolume [set] |
| Sets the night ambient track volume for this area.
AreaFlags | AreaFlags [get, set] |
| Gets or sets area terrain metadata flags.
DayNightMode | DayNightMode [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the day/night mode to use for this area.
float | FogClipDistance [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the fog clip distance in the area.
bool | IsAboveGround [get, set] |
| Gets or sets whether this area is considered above ground and not under ground.
bool | IsBattleMusicPlaying [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether battle music is currently playing in the area.
bool | IsExterior [get, set] |
| Gets or sets whether this area is considered an as exterior, and not an interior.
bool | IsInterior [get, set] |
| Gets or sets whether this area is considered an as interior, and not an exterior.
bool | IsMusicPlaying [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether ambient music is currently playing in the area.
bool | IsNatural [get, set] |
| Gets or sets whether this area is considered natural and non-urban.
bool | IsUnderGround [get, set] |
| Gets or sets whether this area is considered under ground and not above ground.
bool | IsUrban [get, set] |
| Gets or sets whether this area is considered urban and not natural.
NwGameObject? | LastEntered [get] |
| Gets the last object that entered this area.
NwGameObject? | LastLeft [get] |
| Gets the last object that left this area.
int | LightningChance [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the percentage value (0-100) that lightning may occur.
int | ListenModifier [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the listen modifier for this area.
LoadScreenTableEntry | LoadScreen [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the load screen for this area.
Color | MoonAmbientColor [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the area ambient color during night time.
Color | MoonDiffuseColor [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the area diffuse color during night time.
int | MoonFogAmount [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the fog density during night time.
Color | MoonFogColor [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the area fog color during night time.
bool | MoonShadows [get, set] |
| Gets or sets whether shadows are cast during night time.
int | MusicBackgroundDayTrack [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the daytime background track index for this area.
See "Resources > Sounds and Music > Music" in the toolset for track numbers.
int | MusicBackgroundNightTrack [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the nighttime background track index for this area.
Refer to Resources > Sounds and Music > Music in the toolset for track numbers.
int | MusicBattleTrack [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the combat track index for this area.
Refer to Resources > Sounds and Music > Music in the toolset for track numbers.
IEnumerable< NwGameObject > | Objects [get] |
| Gets all Objects currently in this area.
int | PlayerCount [get] |
| Gets the number of players in this area.
PVPSetting | PVPSetting [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the PvP setting for this area.
int | RainChance [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the percentage value (0-100) that rain may occur.
bool | RestingAllowed [get, set] |
| Gets or sets whether resting is allowed in this area.
byte | ShadowOpacity [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the shadow opacity for this area (0-100).
Vector2Int | Size [get] |
| Gets the size of this area. - Returns
- The number of tiles that the area is wide/high.
Skybox | SkyBox [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the current skybox for this area.
int | SnowChance [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the percentage value (0-100) that snow may occur.
int | SpotModifier [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the spot modifier for this area.
Color | SunAmbientColor [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the area ambient color during day time.
Color | SunDiffuseColor [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the area diffuse color during day time.
int | SunFogAmount [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the fog density during day time.
Color | SunFogColor [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the area fog color during day time.
bool | SunShadows [get, set] |
| Gets or sets whether shadows are cast during day time.
IReadOnlyList< TileInfo > | TileInfo [get] |
| Gets an array containing all tile data/structures for the area.
string | Tileset [get] |
| Gets the tileset (.set) resource name used for this area.
WeatherType | Weather [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the current weather conditions for this area.
byte | WindPower [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the wind power for this area.
Set to 0, 1 or 2.
An environment/game level.