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Anvil.Internal.EnvironmentConfig Class Reference

Anvil settings that are configured through Environment Variables. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool GetIsPluginDisabled (string pluginName)

Static Public Attributes

static readonly string[] AdditionalPluginPaths = GetAnvilVariableArrayString("ADD_PLUGIN_PATHS")
static readonly string AnvilHome = GetAnvilVariableString("HOME", "./anvil")
static readonly string Encoding = GetAnvilVariableString("ENCODING", "windows-1252")
static readonly LogMode LogMode = GetAnvilVariableEnum("LOG_MODE", LogMode.Default)
static readonly bool NativePrelinkEnabled = GetAnvilVariableBool("PRELINK_ENABLED", true)
static readonly bool PreventStartNoPlugin = GetAnvilVariableBool("PREVENT_START_NO_PLUGIN")
static readonly bool ReloadEnabled = GetAnvilVariableBool("RELOAD_ENABLED")

Detailed Description

Anvil settings that are configured through Environment Variables.

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