Anvil settings that are configured through Environment Variables.
static bool | GetIsPluginDisabled (string pluginName) |
static readonly string[] | AdditionalPluginPaths = GetAnvilVariableArrayString("ADD_PLUGIN_PATHS") |
static readonly string | AnvilHome = GetAnvilVariableString("HOME", "./anvil") |
static readonly string | Encoding = GetAnvilVariableString("ENCODING", "windows-1252") |
static readonly LogMode | LogMode = GetAnvilVariableEnum("LOG_MODE", LogMode.Default) |
static readonly bool | NativePrelinkEnabled = GetAnvilVariableBool("PRELINK_ENABLED", true) |
static readonly bool | PreventStartNoPlugin = GetAnvilVariableBool("PREVENT_START_NO_PLUGIN") |
static readonly bool | ReloadEnabled = GetAnvilVariableBool("RELOAD_ENABLED") |
Anvil settings that are configured through Environment Variables.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- NWN.Anvil/src/main/Internal/EnvironmentConfig.cs