static ItemProperty | AbilityBonus (IPAbility ability, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | ACBonus (int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | ACBonusVsAlign (IPAlignmentGroup alignmentGroup, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | ACBonusVsDmgType (IPDamageType damageType, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | ACBonusVsRace (IPRacialType racialType, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | ACBonusVsRace (NwRace race, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | ACBonusVsSAlign (IPAlignment alignment, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | Additional (IPAdditional additional) |
static ItemProperty | ArcaneSpellFailure (IPArcaneSpellFailure spellFailure) |
static ItemProperty | AttackBonus (int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | AttackBonusVsAlign (IPAlignmentGroup alignmentGroup, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | AttackBonusVsRace (IPRacialType racialType, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | AttackBonusVsRace (NwRace race, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | AttackBonusVsSAlign (IPAlignment alignment, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | AttackPenalty (int penalty) |
static ItemProperty | BonusFeat (IPFeat feat) |
static ItemProperty | BonusLevelSpell (IPClass classType, IPSpellLevel spellLevel) |
static ItemProperty | BonusSavingThrow (IPSaveBaseType saveType, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | BonusSavingThrowVsX (IPSaveVs saveType, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | BonusSpellResistance (IPSpellResistanceBonus resistBonus) |
static ItemProperty | CastSpell (IPCastSpell spell, IPCastSpellNumUses uses) |
static ItemProperty | ContainerReducedWeight (IPContainerWeightReduction weightReduction) |
static ItemProperty | Custom (int type, int subType=-1, int costTableValue=-1, int param1Value=-1) |
static ItemProperty | Custom (ItemPropertyTableEntry property, ItemPropertySubTypeTableEntry? subType=null, ItemPropertyCostTableEntry? costTableValue=null, ItemPropertyParamTableEntry? paramTableValue=null) |
static ItemProperty | DamageBonus (IPDamageType damageType, IPDamageBonus damageBonus) |
static ItemProperty | DamageBonusVsAlign (IPAlignmentGroup alignmentGroup, IPDamageType damageType, IPDamageBonus damageBonus) |
static ItemProperty | DamageBonusVsRace (IPRacialType racialType, IPDamageType damageType, IPDamageBonus damageBonus) |
static ItemProperty | DamageBonusVsRace (NwRace race, IPDamageType damageType, IPDamageBonus damageBonus) |
static ItemProperty | DamageBonusVsSAlign (IPAlignment alignment, IPDamageType damageType, IPDamageBonus damageBonus) |
static ItemProperty | DamageImmunity (IPDamageType damageType, IPDamageImmunityType immunityType) |
static ItemProperty | DamagePenalty (int penalty) |
static ItemProperty | DamageReduction (IPDamageReduction damageReduction, IPDamageSoak damageSoak) |
static ItemProperty | DamageResistance (IPDamageType damageType, IPDamageResist damageResist) |
static ItemProperty | DamageVulnerability (IPDamageType damageType, IPDamageVulnerabilityType damageVulnerability) |
static ItemProperty | Darkvision () |
static ItemProperty | DecreaseAbility (IPAbility ability, int penalty) |
static ItemProperty | DecreaseAC (IPACModifierType modifierType, int penalty) |
static ItemProperty | DecreaseSkill (NwSkill skill, int penalty) |
static ItemProperty | EnhancementBonus (int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | EnhancementBonusVsAlign (IPAlignmentGroup alignmentGroup, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | EnhancementBonusVsRace (IPRacialType racialType, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | EnhancementBonusVsRace (NwRace race, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | EnhancementBonusVsSAlign (IPAlignment alignment, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | EnhancementPenalty (int penalty) |
static ItemProperty | ExtraMeleeDamageType (IPDamageType damageType) |
static ItemProperty | ExtraRangeDamageType (IPDamageType damageType) |
static ItemProperty | FreeAction () |
static ItemProperty | Haste () |
static ItemProperty | HealersKit (int level) |
static ItemProperty | HolyAvenger () |
static ItemProperty | ImmunityMisc (IPMiscImmunity immunityType) |
static ItemProperty | ImmunityToSpellLevel (IPSpellLevel spellLevel) |
static ItemProperty | ImprovedEvasion () |
static ItemProperty | Keen () |
static ItemProperty | Light (IPLightBrightness brightness, IPLightColor color) |
static ItemProperty | LimitUseByAlign (IPAlignmentGroup alignmentGroup) |
static ItemProperty | LimitUseByClass (IPClass classType) |
static ItemProperty | LimitUseByClass (NwClass classType) |
static ItemProperty | LimitUseByRace (IPRacialType racialType) |
static ItemProperty | LimitUseByRace (NwRace race) |
static ItemProperty | LimitUseBySAlign (IPAlignment alignment) |
static ItemProperty | MassiveCritical (IPDamageBonus damageBonus) |
static ItemProperty | Material (int materialType) |
static ItemProperty | MaxRangeStrengthMod (int modifier) |
static ItemProperty | MonsterDamage (IPMonsterDamage monsterDamage) |
static ItemProperty | NoDamage () |
static ItemProperty | OnHitCastSpell (IPCastSpell spell, int casterLevel) |
static ItemProperty | OnHitCastSpell (IPCastSpell spell, IPSpellLevel spellLevel) |
static ItemProperty | OnHitEffect (IPOnHitSaveDC saveDC, HitEffect effect) |
static ItemProperty | OnMonsterHitProperties (MonsterHitEffect effect) |
static implicit | operator ItemProperty? (IntPtr intPtr) |
static ItemProperty | Quality (IPQuality quality) |
static ItemProperty | ReducedSavingThrow (IPSaveBaseType saveType, int penalty) |
static ItemProperty | ReducedSavingThrowVsX (IPSaveVs saveType, int penalty) |
static ItemProperty | Regeneration (int regenAmount) |
static ItemProperty | SkillBonus (NwSkill skill, int bonus) |
static ItemProperty | SpecialWalk () |
static ItemProperty | SpellImmunitySchool (IPSpellSchool spellSchool) |
static ItemProperty | SpellImmunitySpecific (IPSpellImmunity spell) |
static ItemProperty | ThievesTools (int modifier) |
static ItemProperty | Trap (IPTrapStrength trapStrength, IPTrapType trapType) |
static ItemProperty | TrueSeeing () |
static ItemProperty | TurnResistance (int modifier) |
static ItemProperty | UnlimitedAmmo (IPUnlimitedAmmoType ammoType=IPUnlimitedAmmoType.Basic) |
static ItemProperty | VampiricRegeneration (int regenAmount) |
static ItemProperty | VisualEffect (ItemVisual itemVisual) |
static ItemProperty | WeightIncrease (IPWeightIncrease weightIncrease) |
static ItemProperty | WeightReduction (IPReducedWeight weightReduction) |
static implicit | operator CGameEffect (EffectBase effect) |
static implicit | operator IntPtr (EngineStructure engineStructure) |
TwoDimArray< ItemPropertyCostTableEntry >? | CostTable [get] |
| Gets the cost table used by this item property.
ItemPropertyCostTableEntry? | CostTableValue [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the cost table entry that is set for this item property.
EffectDuration | DurationType [get, set] |
| Gets or sets whether this item property is a permanent or temporary effect.
TwoDimArray< ItemPropertyParamTableEntry >? | Param1Table [get] |
| Gets the #1 param table used by this item property.
ItemPropertyParamTableEntry? | Param1TableValue [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the #1 param table entry that is set for this item property.
ItemPropertyTableEntry | Property [get] |
| Gets the base item property used to create this item property.
TimeSpan | RemainingDuration [get] |
| Gets the remaining duration until the item property expires (if this item property is temporary). Otherwise, returns TimeSpan.Zero.
override int | StructureId [get] |
ItemPropertySubTypeTableEntry? | SubType [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the sub type that is set on this item property.
TwoDimArray< ItemPropertySubTypeTableEntry >? | SubTypeTable [get] |
| Gets the sub type table used by this item property.
string? | Tag [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the tag for this item property.
TimeSpan | TotalDuration [get] |
| Gets the total duration of the item property effect (if this item property is temporary). Otherwise, returns TimeSpan.Zero.
bool | Usable [get, set] |
int | UsesPerDay [get, set] |
bool | Valid [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether this item property is valid.
int | CasterLevel [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the caster level for this effect/item property.
NwObject? | Creator [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the creator of this effect/item property.
bool | Expose [get, set] |
EffectParams< float > | FloatParams [get] |
| Gets the float parameters of this effect/item property.
EffectParams< int > | IntParams [get] |
| Gets the integer parameters of this effect/item property.
EffectParams< NwObject > | ObjectParams [get] |
| Gets the object parameters of this effect/item property.
bool | ShowIcon [get, set] |
| Gets or sets if this effect should show an icon in the top right and in the character sheet and examine panels.
NwSpell? | Spell [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the associated spell for this effect/item property.
EffectParams< string > | StringParams [get] |
| Gets the string parameters of this effect/item property.
EffectParams< Vector3 > | VectorParams [get] |
| Gets the vector parameters of this effect/item property.
bool | IsValid [get] |
| Gets if this object is valid.
int | StructureId [get] |
Represents an item property effect engine structure.
namespace NWN.Anvil.Samples
public class ItemPropertyExamples
public ItemPropertyExamples()
NwModule.Instance.OnItemEquip += TemporaryHasteExample;
NwModule.Instance.OnClientEnter += RemoveItemPropertyExample;
private void TemporaryHasteExample(
OnItemEquip eventData)
if (eventData.Item.Tag == "temp_haste")
NwItem? item = eventData.Player.ControlledCreature!.FindItemWithTag(
if (item == null)
if (property.
Tag ==